Everyone else is giving idiotic answers...



  • Hughes39
    Hughes39 Posts: 169
    Is there a trigger? My Mom used to leak when she heard paper crackling.......Weird , i know. Some people leak, some people don't. That's about all there is to it. Your supply must be really good.
    No. Before nothing made me clean unless I hand expressed some milk but the past few days it's just random. It happened once when my son was crying but other then that it's just been randomly throughout the day.
  • Hughes39
    Hughes39 Posts: 169
    I nursed both my boys for over a year each, so I've been there. Have you recently increased your water intake? Have you started eating more oatmeal or drinking a beer or 2 at night? These may seem like odd questions, but both oatmeal & beer can increase your milk supply. Also, your supply can increase the more water you drink.

    I also remember that as my boys started eating solid foods my supply would stay the same for about 3 weeks after they "dropped" a feeding. You could just be going through an adjustment period.

    I would consider this an opportunity to express/pump more and possibly donate your milk to someone else who may need it. I had a friend who's child was born 2 & 1/2 months premature, and she could not produce enough milk for him. What I pumped and froze I gave to her to help supplement her little boy.

    Hope you settle back into a normal mode soon. If you have any other questions, let me know!
    No. I have fallen off my wagon and I will honestly say I have not had a glass of water touch my lips in weeks. I'm not a beer drinker, and not much of an oatmeal eater. So I have done neither of those recently as well. He gets one jar of baby food a day, but he only gets that after he nurses, so it's really not replacing a nursing session. I've been told to look into milk banks. I'm not sure if they have any around here but i'll look!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    a nearby hospital should be able to direct you to someone who would appreciate the milk. My mom used to donate hers bc she made so much, and it went to the neonatal care unit in Kaiser near our home.