WTH!!! Elevated, Pre, Borderline Diabetes.... :(

I'm sooooo afraid that Im about to become a diabetic.. There's a history of diabetes in my family and I was told about 3 weeks ago that I needed to watch my sugar and fried foods... I'm like "huh" my doctor said that my sugar level was elevated... I asked her for my number and she said 105... When I told my family, they told me "oh that aint nothing" but the doctor said that your number should be 99 and under.... During that same week, my numbers started going down 102 and then 89 (now I'm happy again) but this morning my husband checked it for me and it was 105 again.... OMG!!!

My husband is a diabetic and I watch him prick his finger, get light headed, fatigue, etc.... I don't want to go thru all of that, I already have high blood pressure.. This is just another thing for me to worry about.. I thought that I was doing good with shedding a few pounds and exercising and now I have to worry about this....

Please help me understand this diabetes stuff...


  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The good news is you can change your fate and the even better news is you're already exercising and losing weight so you're already changing it. Just don't give up or let the possibilities stress you out and harm your health.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    I am diabetic. Once you become diabetic you will always be diabetic. Yes you can keep it under control with diet and exercise or even meds. Even though my A1C is in the non diabetic range now I am still diabetic. It's all about genetics. A lot if people assume that fat people are he only ones to get it. Not true. I would look at your diet and try to lose a little more weight and then go to the dr for labs. Then go from there. Don't worry yourself now. 105 is not a bad number.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I am diabetic. Once you become diabetic you will always be diabetic. Yes you can keep it under control with diet and exercise or even meds. Even though my A1C is in the non diabetic range now I am still diabetic. It's all about genetics. A lot if people assume that fat people are he only ones to get it. Not true. I would look at your diet and try to lose a little more weight and then go to the dr for labs. Then go from there. Don't worry yourself now. 105 is not a bad number.

    If your fasting glucose was 105, then that puts you in PRE diabetic range. It is definitely something to take care of NOW before you become full blown diabetic.

    Because you are not yet Diabetic, you CAN prevent it. Just because you have a family history of Type2 Diabetes, does NOT doom you to the same fate. Are the family members who are diabetic all overweight? If so, then lifestyle choices are more the reason for their diabetes than genetics.

    Do not believe anyone who says you can't do something about it! YOU CAN!
  • GlucernaBrand
    There's good research that shows that lifestyle changes including daily physical activity, healthy eating, and weight loss can delay the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes for years. Type 2 is a progressive disease, which means that over time insulin doesn't work as effectively as it should (this is known as insulin resistance) and that insulin production by the pancreas will eventually slow down. Physical activity, healthy eating and maintaining a healthy weight go a long way toward slowing down this process. Ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietitian, and look for a pre-diabetes education program in your community. Often the local hospital will run these programs. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Pharmaceuticals and people who sell Diabetic products and supplies, such as Glucerna, and other diabetic products, would rather people did NOT reverse their prediabetes, as then they would lose a customer.

    When someone who is a rep for Glucerna, which targets Diabetics, comes on the forums with "GlucernaBrand" as their username, I would be a bit skeptical of their motives. Just sayin..

    This is bordering on advertising. Tread lightly.