Diet coke and Coke Zero



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    another carbonated water i LOVE is the (gasp) Walmart brand American Clear or whatever it is. They only cost like seventy cents for a bottle with 32oz in it! Key Lime is the BESTTT

    Doesn't that have artificial sweeteners in it? I have had it in the past, but the aftertaste kills me.
  • fsuxo2003
    I was JUST researching this issue the other day. I think there are studies on both sides. I decided to cut out diet sodas 3 weeks ago because I thought it was worth a try. I also cut out alcohol and fast food. I work out 5 days a week, sometimes a 'work-out' is just walking my dog. I've lost 7-8 lbs in three weeks following this strategy. I think it basically boils down to 'eat less, move more.'

    Something that helped me kick my coke zero habit (2-3 a day) was the crystal light packets you put in water. Also, the Nestea Diet Green tea is really good. Target has Sugar Free Hawaiin Punch packets in their dollar aisles so I stock up on those b/c the Crystal Lights are expensive!

    Another tip is try to hold off on drinking the diet soda during the day (or limit your drinking) and then let yourself have it at night as a 'dessert.' That way you're tricking your body into thinking it's getting something good and you feel satisfied and are less likely to crave a sweet.

    Disclaimer: I'm NOT a professional trainer or health expert, I'm just your average joe and these seemed to help me and I thought I'd share just in case! (this is the first time I've ever 'blogged' before, sorry if it's long!)
  • shelbyallen
    I am a Diet Coke fanatic too and used to drink 2 or 3 a day. But it definitely makes me a lot hungrier. Since the beginning of October, I have been allowing myself 1 non-water beverage a day, whether that be a Diet Coke, a coffee from Starbucks or a beer. On top of that I have been making myself drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I find that the water really curbs my appetite and I have been feeling so much healthier since I quit drinking so much soda.

    It's kind of a weird system, but it really works for me :)
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    i love diet pepsi...
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    For me, coke zero:

    - helps my craving for sweet things
    - fills me up when I'm hungry in between meals so I can last until dinner time
    - gives me something zero cal to drink whenever out with friends who are all drinking alcohol
    - is my 2 or 3 times weekly 'treat' to make me feel good

    and there I was, thinking I was being good avoiding the sugar that would rot my teeth... but sigh, it's the carbon now is it?

    Darn. Might have to cut down and give up on Coke Zero eventually...sigh haha.
  • fsuxo2003
    I say one step at a time. Get to where you are able to manage your new dieting routine first, then start to cut back on them, then only allow yourself to have it once in awhile. I have actually found that after almost 4 weeks I don't really crave coke zero like I used to, weird huh? I have started putting bottled water in the freezer for 30 mins and the ice cold water is a nice treat to have.

    Anyway - I think your reasoning for drinking it is sound.....although all the chemicals in it really isn't good for the body - but what IS good for the body nowadays!