Very active and can't lose belly fat



  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Women lose belly fat first. Men lose belly fat last. Either way, the only way to lose it is to lower your body fat percentage, specifically through cardio exercise and eating healthy.

    Women lose belly fat first... is this true? I've lost over 50 lbs and have lost inches everywhere but smallest loss is around the waistline.. The belly flab seems to be hanging on for dear life.. I thought that is was the last to go as some of the other posters suggested.

    IMO, women lose weight in the belly and arms as one of the last. I have also read that in a lot of places.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Women lose belly fat first. Men lose belly fat last. Either way, the only way to lose it is to lower your body fat percentage, specifically through cardio exercise and eating healthy.

    Women lose belly fat first... is this true? I've lost over 50 lbs and have lost inches everywhere but smallest loss is around the waistline.. The belly flab seems to be hanging on for dear life.. I thought that is was the last to go as some of the other posters suggested.

    IMO, women lose weight in the belly and arms as one of the last. I have also read that in a lot of places.

    I believe it depends on the person.............

    I am losing in my butt, hips, stomach, chest, shoulders, neck and face.............

    My arms and legs are losing more slowly and the arms and legs are what is keeping me in a larger size so my clothes are all fitting very weird.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    Last on, first off, or first on, last off. Also if you've had a big belly for awhile the skin might be stretched. At 22, you're probably still young enough to recover from that one though.

    Also, double check your goals to make sure they're not too ambitious. Only people with a lot to lose should be doing 2 pounds a week. The closer you get to a normal BMI the less per week you can safely lose without sacrificing muscle. If you're almost to your goal, you should have it set to half a pound a week.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I was able to see great progress in my lower stomach with the Insanity workout. I eat every three hours and started jogging. This is a lot of progress from someone that is 40 years old, had a C-section and still at 25% bodyfat.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks to those who responded to my question... I'm hoping the "first on, last off" idea will hold true for me :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    Like others have said, you are under eating (min intake for males is 1500 calories its women that the minimum is 1200 and you are 6'3 so your minimum is probably 1800) and you are burning 1200 which means your body is completely starving!!!!

    The minimum calories required for your body to function is calculated AFTER you take into account what you are burning off (your net) which means you need to eat 2400+ calories in order to lose weight.

    You have basically developed (or are hanging onto for dear life) an Ethiopian pot belly; it’s what all the starving children have there not because they are fat but whatever muscle mass or fat they do have on their body gets placed around their midsection to protect their organs.


    OH Lord, please do not try and say that an American with food plentiful is even comparible to a starving Ethopian child. You CAN NOT even compare the 2.

    I can guarantee that the OP is NOT STARVING..................Please Give it a rest already, Starvation Mode is the Myth of all Myths!!!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Eat some or most of your workout cals. Secondly ab workouts will grow the muscle not decrease the fat. Lastly and most importantly your body will lose fat the way it put it on. So if you have had the belly the longest it will be the last/hardest to come off....
  • TheNewJessieMae

    Like others have said, you are under eating (min intake for males is 1500 calories its women that the minimum is 1200 and you are 6'3 so your minimum is probably 1800) and you are burning 1200 which means your body is completely starving!!!!

    The minimum calories required for your body to function is calculated AFTER you take into account what you are burning off (your net) which means you need to eat 2400+ calories in order to lose weight.

    You have basically developed (or are hanging onto for dear life) an Ethiopian pot belly; it’s what all the starving children have there not because they are fat but whatever muscle mass or fat they do have on their body gets placed around their midsection to protect their organs.


    Holy COW!!!! VERY inappropriate!!!!!!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    Inappropriate indeed!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    The Ethiopian belly is NOT caused by lack of calories; it's caused by poor diet. Read the article.

    With that said... first on, last off. Oh, and the OP should probably eat more. I believe you are male? Males shouldn't go below 1,500 cals a day. With the exercise you're doing, definitely eat more. But eat more protein if you don't want to develop Kwashiorkor. :happy:
  • tostosbe
    Weight loss is a time-honored struggle that doesn't seem to be getting any easier. While diet and exercise are the two most influential factors in maintaining a healthy weight, progressive thinkers are increasingly turning to alternative measures to aid in weight loss. Herbs are plant extracts that are being used to treat hundreds of ailments and conditions, including excess weight. Although they are only just gaining popularity in the West, they have long been a health maintenance staple in many other parts of the world.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    It takes time. the last 10 pounds are always the hardest. Take measurements, get your body fat tested. Work on building muscle, and you should see the belly fat disappear. If you lose a lot of weight too fast you will also have extra skin. You need to give it time to catch up.