Single Young Lady - Need help

Hey everyone.
I've been at this losing weight struggle all my life. I've always been the bigger kid, and I'm finally at the point where I don't like who I am as a big girl anymore. Off and on for the last year, trying to take this seriously and change my life, but not knowing how. I don't know where to start, because my education and how I grew up on what is and isn't healthy is lacking. Where do I start? What do I do? And how do I stick with it? I have good intentions, but after a week, I fall off the wagon and have too many "lazy days." I hate myself for siting on my couch when it is nice out but I don't want to or have the motivation to get my butt moving.

So,here is what I have been doing and what my goals/struggles are… eat healthy and exercise at least 4 times a week. My small goal is 1-2 pounds a week, large goal is to lose 70 pounds and tone. But my biggest struggle are the meals. I grew up on meat and potatoes or spaghetti (Farm girl). I never knew what asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli tasted like because I never had them. So learning how to cook and prepare these things, is difficult. My other struggle is the cooking for 1 person, I hate wasting food, but I'm not a big fan of left overs. Also, quick and easy meals are key, I am busy with 2 jobs and don't have the time or energy to slave over a kitchen stove for an hour.

I've been making small healthy changes, like substituting wheat noodles, or greek yogurt instead of sour cream. I drink at least 6 waters (28 oz. each) a day, and lowered my pop intake. I run/walk for at least 30 minutes. But the pounds aren't falling off.
If you have any helpful ideas for my problems, or want to help motivate me feel free to add me.

Thank you!


  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Welcome to the site Kim, you've made the first big important step by realizing that you have a problem you'd like to fix and you came looking for some help.

    Here's what you need to know and do.

    1. Weight loss is simple math. If you want to lose weight, you need to consume less calories than you burn. Your body already burns a set amount of calories per day just to survive, so if you eat less than that number you will lose weight. You can bump up your weight loss results and allow yourself to eat more by working out as well.

    2. More Math. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories. If you cut at least 200 calories from what you burn each day then you would lose a lb of fat in approx 17 day.

    3. Healthy food or not. A professor at a university wanted to prove to his students that losing weight as a simple matter of creating a calorie deficit, and that the healthiness of the foot itself was not a factor, he used twinkies and only ate twinkies for an extended period of time (not sure exactly how long). Long story short, he proved his theory and lost weight. Now was his diet healthy? No, he was starving his body of vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that he needed, but his point was proven.

    You can eat all the greek yogart and brocolli you want, just remember they have calories too. And by the way, losing weight does not mean eliminating the country girl diet of potatoes and pasta.

    4. Realistic goal setting. Experts recommend losing no more than 2 lbs per week and as a female you should never go under 1,200 calories per day or you risk serious long term / permanent damage to your body. A realistic goal in my opinion is .5 lbs per week. I know that sounds like a super low rate of weight loss but it'll be easier to do which means you're less likely to quit, and it's a downward trend not an upward one, so that's a win!

    5. Record your exercise- Exercise is all well and good, but if you go for a long run and burn 600 calories but then eat a meal that's 1,000 then you didn't accomplish anything. Most ellypitcals and tredmills have heart rate monitors attached and will record your calories burnt, use that number.

    Also, you don't need to use a tredmil, you can go jogging or biking, just make sure you are honest about your intensity level and maybe consider a heart rate monitor to measure and keep yourself honest.

    Remember the human body is a complicated machine and is designed to store access calories in the form of fat to help keep us alive. remember, fat is essential for life and we wouldn't be alive if not for it. Also remember that it took time to pack on the pounds in the first place and it takes reeducating your mind to realize that you do have control over your weight situation and it is only a matter of simple math.

    Start using fitness pal and track everyday. Be super honest about your portion sizes and invest in a food scale. I guarantee that if you stick to fitness pal you will lose weight over time. How aggressively you lose weight is up to you, but I'd stick to a slow and steady rate and take your time.

    Hope this helps.
  • becks921
    becks921 Posts: 1
    Great advice given - no need to rush! Sending best wishes to you!
  • Mindfreak1999
    You have come to the right site, I wish you all the luck on your journey to a healthier you :))