
My name is Laura and I have come through this site off and on for years. This time I am back because I was diagnosed with diabetes 2. My doctor told me to change the way I eat and exercise; and for 2 little directives these are two very deep subjects. When I started trying to reverse this condition, if there was a wrong way to go I did it right down to the wrong type of shoe. Knowing one of the first things that has to be done is logging food and tracking where the calories are coming from will take me a long way, so I am back. (And I call it a condition-not a disease because it is a condition of my life style-this is my thought about me only; I do not wish to step on any ones toes out the gate here). I chose this site to start up again because the web host sets great example for maintaining a friendly community and is always working to upgrade the program and the huge data base of foods


  • DEPick
    DEPick Posts: 70 Member
    Welcome back Laura. I wish you luck getting the right type of shoe on this time
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I have been on and off too and I really need to stick to it this time. I think you'll do great!
  • 1moonshadow
    Thank you for acknowledging me. I went to your profile but it is private and that is okay with me. Since then I have found out about Target Hear Range and dried fruit is not a good snack. More sugar than a candy bar. Thanks again for the "welcome"
  • 1moonshadow
    Rose I went to your tattoo site and made comment but I thank you here for the kindness for welcoming me.