
I often do a protein shake after working out but today I'm thinking that I'm super busy and just should grab a shake for lunch. Is it okay to use a protein shake as meal replacement? It's a homemade version and I have the recipe saved so I know total calories etc in it which is reasonable for a meal but will eating extra protein help keep me fuller longer before dinner? I often struggle with being hungry in the afternoon.

Should I do flax seed instead for more fiber? I don't have a problem exceeding my fiber goal (or protein for that matter) just trying to make the best choice when I need a meal replacement.


  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    I use shakes for meal replacement sometimes. When doing so I try to make sure I put a banana, berries or some sort of whole food in with them. I add flax to mine.
  • mizfit
    mizfit Posts: 118
    I drink a protein shake for lunch and use almond or rice milk instead of water. I add in 1/2 a frozen banana which thickens the shake, as well as some frozen berries. This keeps me full for hours and it's great after a workout.