My roller coaster journey

My weight loss journey started last summer (June 2013). I am 5'11. In June 2013, I weighed a little over 200 pounds. I began dieting (earing 1700-1900 calories per day) and exercising about 5-6 days a week. I would do hot yoga (60-90 min) for about 2-3 times a week, and would run/jog about 0.5-1 mile for about 2 days of the week. Using this method, I lost about 15 pound in a little over 2 months. My lowest weight was about 185 pounds in September. I stayed between 185-188 pounds from September to November living the same lifestyle. But over the holidays, I became lazy, ate too much, and didn't exercise enough. I gained nearly all of the weight back and weight 198 a few days after Christmas. I began using the same diet and exercise I used before. However, since then, I have only lost about 3 pounds. My weight is currently at 195 pounds and has remained there even after I cut my calories down to about 1500-1600 (from (1800) about two weeks ago and added more cardio and weight training to my exercise routine. The scale remains stubbornly stuck at 195. Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions on what I should do? My BMR is 2012.55 calories, so it doesn't make any sense why I haven't been losing anything for over 4 months now.