Does this happen anywhere else?

Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
So a Whole Foods opened up a block from my office. Since it's opened, I've gone there maybe 5 times. And every. Single. Time. I go and buy lunch there, I will be in a line of 2-3 people and not. One. Person. Bags their own groceries.

Today there was a well-dressed man in front of me who had to have been pushing 50, and he just stood there while his cashier bagged up his groceries for him. I desperately wanted to say in my ever-so-slightly-too-loud Polite Voice™, "Did your mommy dress you this morning too?"

I only ever see this class privilege infantilism at Whole Foods!! Nowhere else!! Even places where they have baggers on staff, I will still see people bag their own groceries if the baggers are busy in other lanes. Is it just me? Is it just this one store? Am I going nuts? What's the frequency? Kenneth?
