Remember KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid!) Its about calories

ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
So there's a topic about junk food, and I'm not going to read all of it, and I'm not going to comment there; it looks like any response now won't really be read and seriously considered.

"Junk food" is whatever hurts your personal chances of loosing weight.

If you loose weight eating 2 pints of ice cream daily, good for you, enjoy that calcium!

My DH has a severe, treatment resistant form of gout caused by a rare genetic disorder. Many foods you would consider healthy, he can eat in only very limited quantities.
He can only drink 1 cup of milk daily.
He can only eat 3 oz. of meat daily (it doesn't matter how lean), never any organ meats.
Dark leafy green or yellow veggies, can can have 3 servings a week (yes I said week!)
Green non leafy veggies, he can have 1 a day.
Oatmeal, bran or wheat germ: only 2 servings a week.
Oils, margarine, etc. 3 tsp. daily (yes, teaspoons, not tablespoons). No cream, no gravy, pretty much nothing made with more saturated fat than 1 tsp.

So what else is there left to eat? Carbs. Plain Jane, carbs with nothing else. So as it turns out, the best thing to feed him to keep his weight up (he's probably around 190 or 200, but has always been muscular and stocky, and he has very little body fat) is so called junk food. Food with high calories, low in other areas of nutritional value. No extra protein, amino acids, or pretty much anything that would go into the blood system besides sugar.

People are different. Yes, to a certain extent, we are all the same, and our bodies function within the same basic parameters. But not exactly the same. Some will need more of this, while others will need more of that, and so on. If the healthiest and happiest you've ever been was "eating clean," great, stay happy. And if the healthiest you've every been is achieved by drinking a liter of Mountain Dew every day, that's fine to. If it work's for you, and you don't feel deprived, and its not adversely affecting your health, then don't fix what isn't broken.

Loosing weight is about loosing calories. Plain and simple.


  • I agree. I have been keeping myself to 1200 calories a day eating what I want and healthy. I don't deny myself anything. I love carbs and if I didn't eat them I would grave them even more. I exercise 45 min, 5 days a week, on my treadmil and have lost 14lbs so far. It is about the calories but exercise matters also.
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