
Hello everybody! My name is Courtney. I'm relatively new to this site. I signed up before but never kept up with it. So now I'm back again and logging everyday for a little over a month. I'm officially down 7 pounds but started dieting before I came back here. I'm trying to eat healthier...of course I have days where I just eat something I want but I keep everything in my allowed calorie count. I've been alternating between 3 of Leslie Sansone's walk at home videos that are 3 miles...I do that about 4 to 5 times a week for 45 minutes and that's the most exercise I've ever done haha. I'd love to make new friends and share this crazy wild journey together!! :)


  • 2005klehman
    Hello, I'm looking for friends as well us can add me! Motivational and challenging friends! ;)
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Courtney!! We are already friends but wanted to say welcome!!
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    always looking for new friends, feel free too add me :3
  • leasorath
    leasorath Posts: 21 Member
    Hello Courtney! I'm always looking for new friends. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • lmsims36
    lmsims36 Posts: 4 Member
    Also looking to add some friends so please feel free to add me :-)