Worst Halloween Candy



  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    Before I read this I posted on my page that my office manager bought us a big bag of Halloween candy to put out for out patients. I wish I would have read this before I had a small twix bar. I know one isn't bad but it's so tempting to eat more than one! Thanks for the post!
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    I have to work on Halloween this year, 7 AM until 7 PM, so i will not have to worry about handouts, by then all of the kiddies are usually in.
    I usually raid my nephews candy bag, I am allowed to have anything red (he is not, he goes nuts!) and sometimes his mom lets me have a tootsie roll pop(or 4), they are my weakness, but they only have 60 calories in them so i can indulge once in awhile
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I hate Halloween

    and I hate Thanksgiving. I don't even like Thanksgiving food :ohwell:

    Bah hum bug:tongue:


  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Halloween is going to KILL me. :( I have no will power for the candy! I won't buy any, but my son will get a ton and he is only 3 so I can take it all and he has no idea. It's already started with an event this weekend and I ate a bunch!

    So, I am going to try to not totally pig out, but not worry too much about it. To keep my exercise level hight though the whole candy time to try to offset some of the calories at least. And I am still logging everything. OK, so I ate like 20 tootsie rolls and 3 butterfingers? I'll actually log it so at least I know what i am doing to myself and being realistic about it! It helps too to see those cals pile up to discourage me from doing so in the future or doing so and going over cals. I love Halloween candy though. I am going to enjoy it in mid-level indulgence / moderation this year :)

    I'm with you! I say I eat SOME, in moderation, and try to offset it with exercise and lots of water. If I completely deprive myself, I'll go crazy and then end up binging which is way worse.

    Me too. I love Halloween and I love candy and I really don't eat any outside of Holidays. I will make an effort only to eat the kinds I actually really like and not the others just because they are there. I also try to keep it in an annoying place so I have to get the chair, climb up, take it out, get down... just to get a piece. No way I am giving it away or not eating it overall :)
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm one of "those" houses that shuts the lights and keeps the door closed! LOL! It's really the ONLY way I won't eat the candy/chips. I hate doing it but I know the kids will get candy at other houses. My nieces still go out [aged 14 & 12] and my nephew is only 3 so he'll go out but thankfully they hoard all their candy so I dont get any [we all live in the same house].
  • davidcookfan
    davidcookfan Posts: 37 Member
    Better way to survive Halloween: Don't buy candy. Buy pencils, stickers, and play doh to hand out instead!

    My friends parents did that one year and their house got egged. the next year everyone avoided the house.. I say as long as you know your limit eat the damn candy get back on the wagon the next day.
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    Ugh, my poor reeses and twix bars! Oh well, I'm in college so it's not so much the candy I'll be dealing with - it's the alcohol...I love liquor but omg it adds up fast....
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    I've had a good laugh reading some of your responses! :laugh:

    I live on a dead end street in the country so I never get trick or treaters, wish I did tho!!
    It is one of the few things I miss about living in the city.

    As far as candy goes..... like everything in life.. all in moderation!

    If I want something, I have 1 serving of it and put it away and adjust my calories accordingly.
    I see no reason to avoid it like the plague, besides I only have it once every few months or so.

    You'll probably be killed by rude smokers second hand smoke long before a fun sized snickers bar will do you in,. :wink:
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I re-treat. Its like re-gifting. The candy we put out for Halloween is the leftover Christmas and Easter candy we don't like. DH stays at home to answer the door while my son and I go trick or treating. Everyone in my family is ADD/ADHD, so my son only gets 1 piece of candy on Halloween night. Then we pour his candy into the bucket. And at Christmas it goes in his stocking. And at Easter it goes in his basket. And next Halloween, what candy managed to last all year, goes out to the trick or treaters!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I like the play dough idea although that could get expensive. Too bad we can't do apples or fruit anymore since some bad people drugged them in the past.

    BTW who ever hands out pencils and toothbrush deserve to have their homes egged.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm lucky, I'm just not into candy, and I really don't want to be the house that hands out pencils. My kids are grown up now, but i know what they used to say about "those" houses.

    I always hated "those" houses when I was a kid. I loved the one year when the house I went to had run out of candy and was handing out cold cans of soda. :laugh:

    I love Halloween, it is by far my favorite holiday. This year to keep me from snacking I went to the store and got some cheap black Tulle and some orange ribbon and have begun making candy bags for the kids. I know I would feel too bad to open up a bag for me to eat and I won't do it. If the candy is just laying there it makes it easier to take a few everyday and not think much of it. Though I do snack on a couple candies while I make up all the bags, I'm sure it will be better in the long run than me munching out Halloween night while handing out candy... I can just focus on having fun and handing out bags :bigsmile:
  • justahorsen
    I'm lucky, I'm just not into candy, and I really don't want to be the house that hands out pencils. My kids are grown up now, but i know what they used to say about "those" houses.

    I'm with you.....I will try to not "overdo" it by I will allow myself some candy.....I don't have trick or treaters at my house so no excuse to buy any to start with.....
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    You guys are all too funny!! No the person who shuts their lights off and doesn't answer the door ON HALLOWEEN!!! I never did anything bad to those houses when I was a kid, but I thought BAD things about those people. So unfun!!! I LOVE HALLOWEEN, it is my second favorite holiday, Christmas of course being first. It's just so mysterious and scary and fun and you can dress up and act silly! I do buy candy that I DON'T LIKE, that's how I handle the temptation of eating it. I even dress up my dogs!!! I'm sure they hate it but it's just for the night. HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!!:devil: :bigsmile:
  • AllietheLOSER
    AllietheLOSER Posts: 19 Member
    Twizzlers are my faves! I feel like crying. I thought that would be the only "safe" candy for me this year..... :'-(

    Nine Twizzlers carry as many calories as a Wendy’s Double Stack Burger.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I re-treat. Its like re-gifting. The candy we put out for Halloween is the leftover Christmas and Easter candy we don't like. DH stays at home to answer the door while my son and I go trick or treating. Everyone in my family is ADD/ADHD, so my son only gets 1 piece of candy on Halloween night. Then we pour his candy into the bucket. And at Christmas it goes in his stocking. And at Easter it goes in his basket. And next Halloween, what candy managed to last all year, goes out to the trick or treaters!

    Saving candy for a whole year to give out is gross...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I hate Halloween

    and I hate Thanksgiving. I don't even like Thanksgiving food :ohwell:

    Bah hum bug:tongue:



    Nope, I live in MN...it's safe in the trunk...:bigsmile:
  • lupuslady
    I only have two little boys in my neighborhood that I am close to, so stickers and little books is a great idea. I am going to buy pudding and fruit cups for the rest of kids who I see, but don't really know. Can you believe one little kiss is 22 dang calories, do you have any idea how many I can eat in one sitting. I ate one at the bank and had to record it, I am saving up my chocolate for a big spurlge like brownies or some really good chocolate ice cream.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I live on a dead end street in the country so I never get trick or treaters, wish I did tho!!
    It is one of the few things I miss about living in the city.

    We live on probably the worst street in our city. The one where all the kids on the street get in a car and go to the rich neighborhoods :) So we have never gotten a single trick or treater. Saves me from having to buy candy, but I sure eat what my son gets from going out. Tasty! I might eat a lot of calories, but I enjoy them as I should! (much like sometimes going to a restaurant)
  • lupuslady
    You must realyze that candy like everything else goes bad. It would be safer for the kids to throw out everything that is over 6 months old. Or stick in the freezer. What do you do about the candy that is decorated with Christmas trees, or easter bunnies?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Better way to survive Halloween: Don't buy candy. Buy pencils, stickers, and play doh to hand out instead!

    Dang, I'm skippin your house :noway:

    Aw, give me a break. Pencils, stickers, and playdoh is a huge improvement for me. Up until I had my daughter, I was yelling at kids to go away and have fun freezing their butts off, lol. There were a number of years where we even spider webbed our entire porch so you couldn't get to the door. I would laugh when they'd try.
    Now I'm kinda sad that Halloween is on a Sunday. Will have to take my 2 year old to the trunk or treat on Friday instead.