A little about me...

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share my story and my journey with everyone..

I'm 24 years old, about 5'7 and have always been a chunker. I've had some health problems the last 2 years and I am hoping to be able to overcome them. I love cooking and I love cooking for crowds, so eating habits have always been an issue for me. I could never for the life of me find "healthy" foods to make. They were always so terrible for you and that's just where I started gaining weight.

I got a gym membership in November 2012 and have probly only been there 6 times, I could never get the motivation to go workout - especially by myself. I wouldn't want to do anything, I would just dream I would one day become fit, all without doing anything - crazy, right? I know. I was so lazy! Then I found T25 and have been doing that, I finally finished the 1st phase and I am proud to say I can tell a world of difference. I also started 21 Day fix, which for those of you who do not know is an amazing program.So far I have lost 11 lbs and 1 pant size in 4 weeks (I weigh myself in 2 days so we'll see if the scale dropped anymore).

With these results I have decided to become a Beach Body coach so I can help others achieve their goals. I want to be able to help others achieve their goals, encourage them, support them, and become friends. I feel absolutely amazing after only a short amount of time and I can't wait until I finish the program.

I would LOVE you be able to join you and help you on your journey as well! Just friend me and we can chat! :)