Hello :)!

Thought I would pop in and say hello.

My name is Kier and I've just turned 21. I live in the South of England and currently work in a petrol station. My aim is to join the Police in the near future, I already work part time for them as a Special Constable.

I've always been over weight, well long as I can remember, but it really hit home a month ago (15-09-2010 in fact) when I weighed myself for the first time since December, and I had put 2 stone on, taking me up to 21.5stone.

I already had a gym membership from when I was getting ready for my fitness test in October, and hadn't really used it since. My mum was going to the gym the next day, so I went along with her and really enjoyed it strangely. (Got to watch Jeremy Kyle at the same time hehe).

I now try and go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week for 40 minutes, I tend to only use the cross trainer and aim for burning 400+ calories.

I also stopped eating as much rubbish as possible (please don't notice the take-away pizza I just had...), because of the hours I worked at the petrol station (and with the Police) I didn't get a chance to eat a good meal, and often only get 15 minutes or so to eat it...so it tended to be a pasty or something. I started eating my main meal for lunch and taking a little salad into work some chewing gum and a bottle of water (used to drink 7UP at work).

I weighed myself last night (normally do it on Wednesdays after work) and weighed 20st 6lbs! Felt so pleased with myself, I'm aiming to loose the last lb as soon as possible, as it seems much better saying 'I've lost a stone', rather than 'I've lost 13lbs).

I'm a bit confused as to what I want my target weight to be, I put my height (6ft 4") into a BMI thing and it came back with around 14stone being the top of the 'healthy' part. This seems a little low to me, I've got a large build (all of my dads side of the family have), any ideas on what would be a good weight would be great!


  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    :smile: Hello there

    Don't worry too much about your target weight, do it a stone at a time :smile: you'll know yourself what your target weight is when you get to it!