Reasons to why I want to loose weight.

1. To feel beautiful
2. To be healthy
3. To feel better
4. To look better
5. To feel sexy
6. To be the pretty one in the group
7. To be attractive
8. To get attention
9. To feel cute
10. To wear what I want
11. To sit in airplane sits
12. To not worry about fitting into a seat
13. To not worry about if a seatbelt will fit
14. To not worry about if Im going to break anything
15. To not wonder if children will comment on my weight
16. To not be scared of scales
17. To not hope it’s a woman that’s going to take my weight at the doctor’s office
18. To be able to post Facebook pictures and actually include pictures of myself or my body
19. To be able to enjoy activities
20. To be able to flex
21. To not worry about how I look when I’m eating in front of others
22. To not layer clothing on my body to try and hide it..
23. To actually shop in the cute section of the store
24. To be able to buy normal shoes and not wide width
25. To be able to wear those cute sandals for cute skinny feet
26. To be able to shop with my friends
27. And for once to be judged for my character and not for the size of my body..

Anyone else care to add


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    28. Loose the pants >.>
  • KaleeCat
    KaleeCat Posts: 152 Member
    29. To not be the chubby wife at my husband's family functions!