Question if you are over your Fats and Protein Limits?

Since I have joined myfitnesspal website, I have been under my Calorie and Carb limits, but continue to be over the Fats and Protein limits. No all of the time, but sometimes.

My question is as long as I stay under my Calorie and Carb limits will I continue to lose weight or being over the Fats and Protein as well as the Sugar limits cause me to stop losing weight??

Thank you in advance for any responses......


  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I am always over my fats, but they are good fats (minus the french fries today shhh!). I would say as long as you remain under your calories, you're good.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    I don't know about fats, but you can never have too much protein. My doctor says women need 75 to 100 g of protein a day and men need 100 to 125 g. MPF says much less than that. It's good to get as much protein as possible for muscle growth and maintenance, so that you are more likely to lose fat and not muscle when working out.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I love my protein and do not worry about going over - but I do watch and try to stay under fats, carbs, sodium and sugar,
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    I think the protein amounts are too low - If I have protein in 2 meals i.e. egg whites with turkey for breakfast and then some kind of fish or chicken for supper - I am over on my protein. I simply don't worry about it. I also don't worry too much about sugar - I stay within my calorie limits, do aerobic exercise daily and have reduced my weight by nearly 40 lbs in 4 months. That means I am doing something right (only about 60 of those days have been through MFP). I think if you are eating healthier, keeping your calorie intake within the limit set by you, and doing aerobic exercise several times a week (I do mine daily), then you will be fine.

    CFAITH_WARD Posts: 281 Member
    It depends on what you are eating......If you are eating healthy food you will be eating a higher volume of food and be less hungry....Protein is good so going over on it is ok.....carbs, sugars , and fats are the ones to keep it as close as possible on...You say you are under on calories....How under you need atleast 1200 ca....With exercise I always eat atleast 1200 plus half exercise ca....Not eat enough can sometimes be worst then eating too much...Your body needs ca to burn ca.
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I've been trying to eat clean and natural so my fats are often in nuts. I don't worry about that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Carbs do not cause weight gain any more than protein or fat do.

    As long as you're eating overall healthy and under your calories, you're fine.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    You're fine, but pay attention to what type of fats your taking in. If it's fried, its hurting you. Natural fats from dairy and meat sources are fine, and fat from fish is great to have in any diet! It's true that the most important thing is calories in/calories out, but macros ARE important too.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Also "you can never have too many proteins" is not true. If you have a medical condition or more specifically a Kidney issue you don't want your proteins to be too high, but for the most part if you stay within healthy eating guidelines and exercise you will lose weight. Don't be like me stay away from Vanilla creme cookies.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    Following Dukan, I'm always over what's recommended on MFP for Protein so I just adjusted the ratios in my profile. Dukan is low fat/low carb so I still watch for those and I still track calories for the day and try not to go over.

    I agree with what was said that carbs dont cause weight gain and it really is about overall calories in vs. calories out.
  • VAbreeze
    Too much over a long term can be bad as well as too little protein over time can be bad as well. I agree with Vonnie2006 that there IS such thing as too much protein. It CAN affect your kidneys (put your kidneys into overdrive & bottom line can cause you to lose water & dehydrate, ESPECIALLY if you're already working out/sweating & losing fluid). Too much protein is considered more than 30% of your caloric intake (ideal is 15%). The extra protein does not actually do much with regards to building up muscle mass & strength UNLESS you increase your total caloric intake. It IS important to get enough protein because the lack of protein can affect your immune system as well as cause you to lose muscle mass. With regards to the fats, it matters which types of fats you are including in your diet. I tend to run over a bit in the protein & the fiber but not by a lot. I suspect some of the ratios run a bit low on the MFP allotments. Fiber is good to have in the morning to help you stay full during the day. Good to get the fiber. Again, too much fiber can absorb other nutrients. It's all about balance. I have posted a blog last month regarding the diet my nutritionist gave me. Perhaps it will be helpful to you somehow.
    Good luck!
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks everyone that replied to my question...

    I get my Fats and Protien from: Ground Turkey (85/15), 2% milk cheddar cheese and egg-beaters......

    As you can see I am trying to eat foods that is healthy.
  • valeriedent2
    I'm really glad someone posted this. I was actually getting ready to post the same thing!

    I'm consistently under calories, but over in protein and sometimes fat.

    I know most of the problem is I've been doing Isagenix shakes for breakfast and those are 24g of protein right off the bat. But wanted to make sure if I was over, it wasn't going to end up impeding my overall weightloss effort so long as calories were still in control.

    Thanks again!