A Study on Types of Fats and their Effects

I found an interesting study; if this is true then I think I just found the reason behind my belly fat's refusal to budge. :ohwell:

I wonder what you guys think? Is this already a well known fact? Or are there any contradictory studies that have been conducted?
research shows that saturated fat builds more fat and less muscle than polyunsaturated fat. This is the first study on humans to show that the fat composition of food not only influences cholesterol levels in the blood and the risk of cardiovascular disease but also determines where the fat will be stored in the body. Gaining weight on excess calories from polyunsaturated fat appears to cause more gain in muscle mass, and less body fat than overeating a similar amount of saturated fat.

Here's the link to the article. - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/02/140224110017.htm


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    As the study only involves 39 men and women it doesn't really tell us much. It's an interesting study but that's as far as it goes