Lacking Motivation

jpettibo Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I normally have very little trouble losing weight when I set my mind to it but for whatever reason, as badly as I want to be back down to the size I used to be, I can't seem to stay away from the food I'm not supposed to have a lot of (and I seem to go way overboard whenever I break down and have some). I'm pretty new to the site and I joined because I thought tracking everything would help me. At the end of the day I tend to just feel really guilty when I see how I haven't stuck with my goals.

My blood sugar tends to be a little high so I try to avoid eating a lot of sugar, white flour & starch. It tends to spike my food cravings and makes me gain weight quicker.

I suspect my problem might be eating out of boredom -- in the past it's always been easy for me to stick to a diet because I was such a workaholic and went out and had fun whenever I wasn't working. Now that I have a lot more spare time on my hands it's really hard for me to ignore food cravings (that usually have nothing to do with hunger).

:cry: Suggestions?


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I think if you're really craving stuff and then end up bingeing on it anyway then it might be better if you gave yourself permission to eat them. In moderation. Work your diet so you can have some occasionally...deprivation can be the biggest diet breaker. Once you give yourself permission to eat it guilt free you may find you crave it far less.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Drink more water, especially when you are bored and think you're hungry. That could be enough to keep you from eating. I find that eating 5-6 small meals helps me. I get pretty bored at work and often think, "Oooh, I'm hungry" but if I only have two snacks and a lunch, then it keeps me from going overboard. As far as depriving yourself of your favorite things, I wouldn't do that. I would just stick to enjoying them in moderation. The quickest way to make you want something is to make it off limits.
  • msemejuru
    msemejuru Posts: 229
    Work small amounts of the foods you binge on into your diet so you know you get to have it and won't dwell on it as much. You may also try low fat or homemade versions that allow you to have your high calorie foods more often. If you eat out of boredom try keeping low calorie snacks on hand like popcorn or grapes. Drink more water incase your body is interpreting dehydration for hunger.
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