Its good to let yourself have a little bit!!!

Tammiemoore1982 Posts: 20
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Well guys i went out this evening after having my dinner and after being really good all day....
I completley forgot i was doing MFP,
my Father-in-Law poured me a glass of red wine (as per usual!!) and i gratefully drank it until i was half way through!!!
OH MY GOD!!! What was i doing!!??
Allsorts went through my mind..."shall i stop drinking it"..."how many calories is this" ..then i relaxed i thought dont panic just log it in when you get home and burn those extra calories tomorrow.....
THEN.. I was offered homemade apple pie with double cream and instead of totally denying myself i asked for a very small amount 1/8 and a tablespoon of double cream (that way i monitored it!!)
i've come home logged in all those extras and only gone 12 calories over my daily allowance WHOOPIE!!!!

So the moral of the story is don't deny will get fed up and stop doing it all together allow yourself a little bit..enjoy it and if it sends you over on your calories do some extra exercise to reel it back in...or if your like me smile when its only 12 calories over!!! :laugh:


  • agree to disagree!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Well done for being so good and just having a small amount of pie.
    Your exactly right, if I couldn't have a treat every now and then (more now than then:wink: ) then I'd have given up long ago!
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    I totally agree. There's no way I'm going to be able to do this forever if I don't let my self have some of the yummy things I enjoy every now and then. The key is to do what you did, reduce the portion size and log it! Then you can adjust exercise or other foods to compensate and just move on. I will sometimes even pre-enter certain things into my diary so I know they are already built into my day - like my cup of tea and tablespoon of chocolate chips every couple of days!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    i agree. :) as long as you don't over do it with the cheating. there is no reason to deny yourself.
  • you have to enjoy the journey as well as the destination or else you will get off the train before you get there, especially if the trip is a long one. Remember that changing eating habits is forever and learning how to handle temptation is part of that. You did great and started develpoing a new way to deal with pie. Keep up the good work.
  • You did great and started develpoing a new way to deal with pie. Keep up the good work.

    Thankyou!!!!!!! thats exactly how i feel.... i've found a way of having something a bit "naughty" but controlling it!!
    I feel like i will stick to this better than any regimented eating plan i have done in the past!!:drinker:
  • thevetchling
    thevetchling Posts: 21 Member
    'naughty' when applied to food is okay, but when any food is seen as evil by someone, for reasons of it's calorific content, I become sad. I lived with a mother of an anorexic kid for a short while a few years back and I remember regaling her about a good pub lunch we'd just had and she said "I bet you feel guilty now!" which just flummoxed us at first. Eating had nothing to do with guilt/innocence. And we'd cycled to the pub and back anyway. Then we realised one of the reasons she'd ended up with a daughter on a drip in hospital.
    Appreciate food, love the sensations it gives. But stay in control. You did the right thing letting yourself enjoy a bit of the thing you like. And calories are just opportunities to have fun exercising.
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