How many calories??!!!

Yesterday - due to being curious (obsessive??!!) I wore my HRM all day just to see what I burn in a standard day.

My observations for the day:
- 5 hours in and I've hit 730 calories...if this keeps up I'll be at about 3500 for the day (24hr period)... What?? Does that mean I have a super-fast metabolism or is my HRM wrong??!! Maybe it will balance out over the day...

- 14hrs 15mins in and I've burnt 3177cals, minus 760 for my exercise = 2417. 10 hours to go (I'm going to wear it overnight too - yes I'm obsessive, lol!!). But does this mean that 1400 calories is waaaaay too low??? Should I be eating a lot more?? That doesn't feel right... after restricting for so long...

- 24 hours = 4100 calories. Minus my exercise of 760 = 3340. Even if I say minus 1000 for exercise (because I only log 75% to cover errors) that's still 3100. Minus 500 for a 1/2 kg loss per week = 2600!!!! So... I should be able to eat 2600 calories and still lose??!!! Hmmmmm...

Although I DO think I will bump up my cals a bit I don't think I'll add 1200 (before exercise) to my day!

MFP currently has me at 1300 to lose and 1800 to maintain.....
What do people think?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    A normal HRM isnt designed to be worn all day, your readings may not be accurate unless you are doing something to raise your HR such as exercise.
    To do what you want you would need something like a body bugg
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    first off, just going by your heart rate is not 100% accurate when it comes to burning calories. Other things come in to play. But if you are active, that could be very close.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    It might be true for the hours that you are awake, but keep in mind that when you are sleeping your calorie burn drastically reduces. Most people tend to burn between 1 and 1.5 calories per minute when they are not working out throughout the day, so if you are awake for 16 hours that would be between 960 and 1440 while you are awake. Most people's BMR is calculated at around 1200 or so... HRM's are not designed to calculate calories while you are dead asleep or even just sitting there not moving a whole lot.

    I second the idea for a bodybugg. I would get one myself if I wasn't paying for my vacation right now. :)
  • zumbalori
    zumbalori Posts: 21 Member
    IDK how accurate it is, like the other three posters said, but my trainer said they don't give me enough. She suggested I take the average of 3 sites. MFP did give me lowest. I got REAL stuck with my weight and as soon as I started adding calories, I dropped 10 lbs in 2 months! They only give me 1540 to lose but she likes to see me closer to 1800. On days I exercise, I try really hard to eat ALL my exercise calories back. "Starvation Mode" is a real thing!
  • k1979k
    k1979k Posts: 94
    I did wonder about the accuracy of wearing it all day and night...!!
    I've heard of the Bodybugg - might look in to that. I just like to know what my body is doing!

    Meanwhile - I still think I'll add a few calories as I'm basically at my goal and find I'm getting hungry more often. I'm currently at 1400 cals but I think 1600 - 1800 might be better for me at the moment.

    Thanks for the input :smile:
  • k1979k
    k1979k Posts: 94
    A question about the Bodybugg - what does the subscription entail? I've seen some for sale 'withouth a subscription' - do I need to pay extra to subscribe to a site or set up the unit or something?
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    BodyBugg is the best and most accurate ever created. Pricey, but worth it. I don't own one, but I will in a few months! You can wear that one all day.