calling the ladies, last 20 pounds & 41 !!! breaking plateau

It's the last 20, 10 or 5 pounds till you hit your goal! Plateau is fighting your claim for victory! What are you going to do to push through it??? I know it's coming, I'll cheer you on, help me reach my goal weight!

I have a plan but I won't know if it's going to work until I hit a plateau. I've sat on a plateau for weeks before.

June 5th of this year I hit a high at 173...haven't seen that number in years! We've been eating well but I hadn't been counting calories. yikes! So, 5 weeks later I hit a plateau at 160 and basically I gave myself a break for 3 months!!!

Last Saturday I set new goals for myself and had to find a calorie counter compatible w/mac....found this site! So, I've started again at 168.5 and expect to be at least at 165'll be the last 20 pounds till I reach my goal.

I like to ride 8 miles 3 X a week. 4 miles up hill...Decided to do only a 4 mile loop for the first 2 weeks an then increase to 8 miles to mix it up.

My calories are between 1200-1400 and I'm going to try 1 1800 calorie day to keep myself from plateauing.

What else can I do? I'm in my 40's, have 3 herniated discs and have some limitations. It's incredible what I can do but am limited. Today has been difficult. I'm exhausted, feel like my blood pressure may be low from dropping the calories.

Any other peri menopausal gals going through something similar??