The dreaded wall....(long distance running)

kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
I ran my first marathon on Sunday. I will count it as a success as I finished the whole thing running but if you look at my is actually funny to me how obvious my wall was. I hit that wall head on. I worked hard mentally to get through it but have been doing a bit of research today. It seems that I may have depleted the glycogen stores in my muscles. The glycogen is the mid level energy we store. We use glucose first, then glycogen then burn fat. I think that while I was drinking gatorade while running I may not have been consuming enough calories while running to replenish my reserves. Thus I hit that wall. I was too afraid to try a banana or orange while running the race as I had never practiced eating those foods and I didn't want cement legs and a belly ache or puking. I tried the gels once and had a horrid experience and thus stayed away from them.

If you have ever hit the wall what did you do differently the next time to avoid it?????


  • Sharonbed4d
    That is a huge success to finish a marathon!! I've done 2 and the first one was great. The 2nd one I hit the wall at mile 16 and it felt like my body was giving up. I ended up finishing but 30 mins longer than my 1st. I count both as a success because no matter how long it takes, running 26.2 miles is amazing. When I look back at the 2, I think I actually over trained for my 2nd marathon. I didn't give my body adequate rest after hard workouts and I probably didn't fuel enough to compensate for the extra workouts. I also started off too fast on my 2nd. For me, it's really important to pace myself the 1st few miles to give my body a chance to warm up and get into a steady pace. I would also suggest that you try energy replacement such as gu or chomps during your next long distance run. Great job and be proud!!
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    Have you ever heard of chia seeds? My uncle has completed over 20 marathons. He's my idol (: but doesn't like all the different gels that you can buy already packaged. He makes his own out of chia seeds. Theyre packed with nutrients. He makes a gel with lemon juice, honey and chia seeds. I don't know the ratio, but i can find out. He swears by it....
  • DJH510
    DJH510 Posts: 114 Member
    Did my first marathon just over a week ago now. Had heard a lot about the so called wall, but guessed that hitting it wasn't a total inevitability. Sure enough, i finished without hitting any such wall! My legs and joints were in A LOT of pain and were very fed up, but with regards energy i felt no noticeable drop throughout the race. I can only put this down to weighing very little (therefore using much fewer calories in a mile), good pacing in the early part of the race and repeated consumption of energy gels and sports drink!
    Finished in 3:29:33, my target was 3:30!