Need support / company / suggestions to lose 20lbs

SC74 Posts: 33
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I'm 36 and have been stuck around 160 lbs for months. I did well for a while when I had company at home and lost 4 lbs in a month. But then we both fell off the wagon. I have gained only a pound back so far. Thing is, I'd like to be better at logging in my information and being more mindful about my weight-loss goals. Anyone want to do this together? My short-term goal is to get down to 150 by Thanksgiving and long-term goal is to get back down to 125, where I was a couple of years ago, but I'd be happy to get to 135. I'm also eager to hear suggestions!


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    FOr me it was a mindset that I adopted. I lost 45+ pounds in about 7-8 months and now am maintaining. I logged in several times a day, but what has worked best for me was to log in my daily menu in the morning and stick with it, the best I could each day. That way I could see upfront, before putting it in my mouth how it was all going to balance .out. My diary is public if you want to view. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I did my best loosing 25 lbs by logging in every day, for the past several months I have maintained but not lost the last 8-12 lbs to reach my goal because I don't log my food daily just saying, I think it really helped me. I made it a priority and I got a scale and measure my I started running. Amping up my cardio really really really made a huge difference.

    Guess I better get back to it if I'm going to loose those last ugly pounds. haha

    Best of luck and just get into it
  • DoreenN
    DoreenN Posts: 60
    I hear you. I just had a baby in July and am looking to lose the last 15 lbs and get toned again. Its hard but you just gotta keep at it. What are you doing for workouts? Friend me if you would like and I can help ya come out with ideas for workouts, etc
  • Congrats on Taking the first step and getting back on the wagon. I joined a few weeks ago and lost 3lbs in my first week, but then I hit a wall and haven't lost anything. As the person said above, I am also starting to enter as much as I can in the morning and that way I can see what I have left, (in case someone brings donuts to work or something, then I can say to myself that I have no calories to spare for this and then hopefully be able to walk away.) Also I am not entering my exercise until the end of the day now, this is to trick myself into staying around 1200 cal. that is my goal and then have the extra at night when I enter exercise. This was my first day of doing that and it seemed to have worked. I entered my exercise and I've got all this extra calories and I'm not really hungry. So anyway, I guess its just finding what will work for you. You defiantly have a lot of support here, So good luck, you'll do great!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Peak at my profile and add me as a friend if you like (I'm 35). I've lost 16 lbs since last December (09): it's been slow going, but I'm doing this for good, 4-Life! I eat, a lot on most days, but it seems the biggest "trick" is to workout, and keep it up and mix up the routines. I workout at home every morning, usually 6x p/wk (including days off :happy: ) and sometimes 7x p/week. I mix up between cardio, weights, Tai-Chi and a couple "quick-mixes" DVD's. It was REALLY slow at first, nothing seemed to happen, but now I fit in clothes I was wearing when I weighed 10lbs less and I look better in them!!!! :happy:
    I know this journey is difficult, I've traveled the road a time or two :tongue: , but I am NOT giving up. I log EVERYTHING, including the little 15calorie candy I eat, it all adds up (my diary is open to my MFP friends, I don't cheat on it since I only cheat myself).

    My original goal was 20lbs, but I changed it to 25 - I know I can do it, and more importantly, I can keep it up 5 years from now! If I go over on my calories, I push myself harder the next morning on my workout, but I don't get upset. I've relieved a lot of stress not worrying about my "weight" and concentrating on toning, firming, and strengthening :flowerforyou: The results are starting to really show (especially when 2 people at work called me "skinny" today! :wink: )
  • SC74
    SC74 Posts: 33
    Thank you all for your encouraging words! I hope to keep up the logging, get started on exercise, and adopt a healthier view. I look forward to doing it together with some of you :happy:
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