knee pain - help...advice

Getting back into exercise after not doing much of anything since last March (for numerous reason none had to do with injury). I have been doing the Couch to 5 K program along with walking and yoga. On sunday I went for a long (8 mile) walk thru both paved and untouched terrain. I felt great. I did nothing yesterday. Today I went for my "normal" workout -- week 2 of the C25K program (5 minute warm up walk - alternate 90 seconds running 2 min recovery fast walk) this takes me about 2.8 miles then I jog aboout a mile then jog/wak depending on how I feel to complete the 6 mile loop. Today at about 3 miles my left knee felt weird. It didnt hurt it was more of an annoying twinge. It was bothersome enough that I stopped running and walked. The walking felt fine. At the last 3/4 of a mile I decided to try out the knee and ran the rest of the way (about 1/2 mile). As the night has gone on the knee doesnt hurt but it is noticeable. I can "feel" it as I walk it is an uncomfortable feeling.
Any suggestions? Ideas? Should I take a few days off from running/walking? It doesnt hurt when I really doesnt hurt at all just an annoying noticeable-ness that wasnt there before. thanks.


  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Take fish oil for joint pain. I take 900 mg because I often get pain in my knees. Since I started taking the fish oil, I haven't had any problems. Choindroitn, MSM, and glucosamine (sp?) also work great.
  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    Shoes and stretching - the first two things that you should always check. First, were you fitted for your running shoes? Are they old? Don't fit correctly?

    Second, are you stretching properly after you run? Make sure to, it's important.

    Here is a great link to try to figure out what's going on with your knee:,7120,s6-241-290-291-6899-0,00.html

    As for what to do, depends on what isnwrong. But RICE is always the best way to go. Soft surfaces (ie grass) as you ease back into your mileage will help. I've been a runner since I was 14... And I've had EVERY issue imaginable. They are frustrating, but you need to take them seriously if you don't want it to completely sideline you for the rest of your training.
  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    Take fish oil for joint pain. I take 900 mg because I often get pain in my knees. Since I started taking the fish oil, I haven't had any problems. Choindroitn, MSM, and glucosamine (sp?) also work great.

    Careful with supplements, make sure to consult a doc first and find the best possible quality ones when you do shop (do your research!!). Some fish oil supplements contain additional vitamin A, which can be harmful in large doses above e rec amount.