Back With a New account!

Hey everyone! I used to be on MFP a while ago and fell off the wagon pretty bad. I'm hoping to get more involved with the community this time to keep me on track! I'm Brittany. I am a 26 year old stay at home mom with about 40 or so lbs to lose! I would love some motivation partners!


  • roseroop1
    roseroop1 Posts: 4 Member
    I am new to MFP but feel free to add me.
  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Hello! I've created a group called "Make it a habit!" I would love for you to join us there! We will each be setting our own goals for what task we want to make a habit over the next 21 days. Then each person checks in with the group to let us know how its going and so we can hold each other accountable. The focus here is about lifestyle change, not just the number on the scale. It is great since you say you want to get involved because you'll meet tons of people who will all be getting online and checking in with the same group!

    Feel free to join us and invite anyone you'd like!