loose skin



  • kellybelly113
    kellybelly113 Posts: 60 Member
    The best way to tell if it's truly loose skin versus skin with fat still under it it to pinch the back of your hand. See how thin the skin is on the back of your hand? Now go pinch the hanging or loose skin. If the thickness is the same then it's truly loose skin but if it's thicker then it's still fat & skin.

    Thanks for posting this. Makes sense now that I think about it. And well sad to say there is still some fat under there. :(
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Ok for a mom of 8 kiddos, including twins and 4 c-sections.. needless to say I have been S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D and then some!
    This is a kind of depressing thread..lol Though I have many pounds to go before reaching my goal weight .My stomach is not pretty and I wonder if it will ever by the same as it once was. The vitamin E and Vitamin C and the product from Mary Kay sound promising.. Avon also sells similar products .. I have not tried them but I will def look into it.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Skin elasticity is purely genetic. I know people say water or how fast you lose but it's really about genetics. If your skin stretches without stretch marks then you should be fine but once you break the skin it is hard for it to tighten back up because the skin has broken and stretched to accomodate the fat under the skin. I will admit that if you build up enough muscle where the fat once was that it wont look as saggy or may tighten around the muscle but sometimes the fat you lost physically takes up more room then the muscle you may gain to replace that area of lost fat.

    Fat is larger in volume. Muscle is denser but takes up less volume.


    think of skin like this. Have you ever pulled a rubber band to the point where the rubber actually stretches and stays stretched? Well with enough fat or muscle under your skin that will cause stretch marks the more the skins tear. Some peoples skin stretches without stretch marks do to elasticity some skin just reached a point and tears.

    So the longer the skin is torn(stretch marks) with the combination of how much fat or muscle has grown under there applying force to the skin will be the deciding factor as to how much the skin will rebound(tighten back up) if at all.

    The one thing I WISH they would do on the tv show The Biggest Loser is to actually show how everyone looks at the end of the show post weight loss. Some have tons of extra skin and some have little to none. The ones with little to none had the least amount of stretch marks during the show and the ones with the most amount of loose skin are the ones with the most fat lost and the most amount of stretch marks.

    Hope this helps.

    I think this is the best answer I've read about this skin issue (which, lets me honest, anyone with a large amount of weight to lose seems to worry about) On the depressing side for me...I shall be saving up for surgery because my skin is already screwed. :(
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    The best way to tell if it's truly loose skin versus skin with fat still under it it to pinch the back of your hand. See how thin the skin is on the back of your hand? Now go pinch the hanging or loose skin. If the thickness is the same then it's truly loose skin but if it's thicker then it's still fat & skin.

    Thanks for posting this. Makes sense now that I think about it. And well sad to say there is still some fat under there. :(

    Honey, if you are a girl, you will probably always have some fat under your skin. That is the way that woman are made. It can still be loose skin, even if there is some fat under it. Don't get too down on yourself. That is the way women are built. Our fat and skin composition is very different from our male counterparts. So don't worry too much and turn that frown upside down! :)
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