Hello from Fort Worth Texas

It sucks but I find myself here again, I was on here a couple years ago, and was doing great went from 205 down to 155. But with the move to Texas and the new job. And everything that goes with it, somehow ,here I was at 200 again. I have a new puppy I walk every day 3-5 miles so I have gotten down to the 183-186 range. But I still feel terrible, So Im looking for some new friends! I will be just as supportive as you are for me. And if there is anybody in the area that wants to go walking ( with dogs or with out) please contact me.


  • Dozrzz
    Dozrzz Posts: 245
    Hello! I have a dog too and she is my favorite form of exercise! I live in the middle of a town where I can only walk about half a mile before I run out of sidewalk though. Feel free to add me! I love getting new friends. I've also created a group called "Make it a habit!" I would love for you to join us there! We could definitely use more guys in the group. We will each be setting our own goals for what task we want to make a habit over the next 21 days. Then each person checks in with the group to let us know how its going and so we can hold each other accountable. The focus here is about lifestyle change, not just the number on the scale.

    Feel free to join us and invite anyone you'd like! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/21099-make-it-a-habit