eating exercise calories, not same 'ol questions though!

caribeals Posts: 105 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
i know there are a million and one threads about eating exercise cals. so i will try not to bore you. i get 1330 cals a day, according to mfp. today i have eated 1260 of them. i have had 3 healthy meals and 2 healthy snacks and i even treated myself to a cup of sherbert after supper. but... i worked out a LOT today. for me, 60 mins is a lot. today i got in about 150 mins. its purely because i didn't have anything really to do during the day, and my kids were pretty cooperative this evening. so mfp is telling me i have 900 calories left to eat... how in the heck would i eat another 900 calories? and do i really need to? i usually have about 300 left at the end of each day. if im hungry or craving something, i will have it, in moderation. but 900 cals seems a little excessive to me, and i have already had a treat. any thoughts?


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    you will want to replinish some but no need to eat all of it. Just listen to your body, it knows more than you think.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I would maybe try and eat some, if you can, even if you don't get all of them. Otherwise you run the risk of waking up in the morning ravenous and eating anything you can get your paws on. I know this from experience, haha. Easy ways to get a few extra cals in...

    -spoonful of peanut butter (on it's own or on a piece of fruit, maybe?)
    -cup of hot cocoa, chai tea latte, or juice
    -bowl of cereal
    -ounce of cheese

    If you are really, truly, not hungry, you could just skip it and then give yourself a little leeway the next day. I know if I don't eat most of mine, the next day is not good for me. Maybe experiment a bit with it if you feel up to it! Good luck!
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    you will want to replenish some but no need to eat all of it. Just listen to your body, it knows more than you think.

  • hopeC12
    hopeC12 Posts: 38
    It's better for your body to eat small amounts more frequently, so it would be good to at least have something small later, or something larger if you are actually hungry. But you don't have to eat ALL your exercise cals as long as you have adequate nutrition. Besides, the calculations are probably off by a few hundred cals!
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