Just a hello!

Just wanted to say hello to everyone on here. I am new to MFP and wanted to share my weight and goal with everyone!

I am a mother of 5! Three are biologically mine, and the other two are my husbands, but mine also ;)
Weight: 173 lbs
Goal: 145
Height: 5' 3.5'' don't forget about the half!!!
Start date is today 04/27/2014
Don't care when I get there as long as I get there

A little about me:
When I was younger I was always skinny, and could eat whenever and whatever I wanted. That all changed when I had my first baby and I went from 98 lbs to 160 lbs to 140 lbs! Second baby from 140 lbs to 180 lbs to 148 lbs! Third baby from 148 lbs to 180 lbs to 150 lbs to 173 lbs! After baby 1 and 2 I was able to maintain my lost weight, but since baby 3 I have struggled greatly. Obviously I have a problem with food, and so I will be on here a lot to post updates and how I am doing. I am at my highest non-pregnancy weight, and want to get back down to 145 lbs.

I went back to college after having my third baby, and I am graduating May 10th. I went to school to be an example to my children. I know that everyone say's lose weight for you, and while it is for me I am doing it for my children too. I believe that being an example is also inspiration. Look at my mother for instance, it wasn't until I saw her doing something about her weight until I was inspired to do something about mine. Thanks, mom!

Since 2010 I have gone from 150 lbs to the 173 lbs that I am now, and I am ready to take this weight off once and for all.

My inspiration is my children and my mother who was over 200 lbs and for the last two months has been working hard to lose weight. She is currently 187 lbs and looking fabulous!


  • momof5wonderful
    I want to add a photo of myself so if someone would please tell me how. Thanks!
  • patrick139
    Hey, nice to see you here. Looks like you have some good weight loss goals. You're right, being an inspiration to others is a good goal for fitness as well as wanting to do it to better your own health (So you can be around as long as possible for your children).

    Are you currently starting up a fitness program as well as working on your nutrition habits?

    You can upload a photo by going to the top of the page and clicking your user name. When you do that it should take you to your profile. There will be an Edit Photo button and you can then upload a photo to your account. :)