In need of a mentor

Hello there, new to activity tracking and calorie counting. I have given up both smoking and drinking since Jan 14 in an effort to loose weight and become healthier. I never thought I would be able to conquer my addictions but here I am. My life has recently turned 180 and I have recently joined my local gym via gp referal along with health eating classes that are subscribed for 10 weeks. I have an activity tracker thats keeping me motivated to move more but really I feel I need a mentor to help educate me and share my journey. Im not high maintenance and would really appreciated it if someone out there would like to mentor me. Im happy to explain more about myself to anyone interested in been a mentor. I am a 37 year old female in the UK seriously dedicated to changing my lifestyle.


  • george7527
    george7527 Posts: 267 Member
    Morning first of all welcome to MFP .
    I'm. 48 also from UK you are on the right road to achieving your goal I would like to help in any way I can feel free to add me as a friend so you can see my profile.