C25K - Very Overweight

Anyone done C25K being 50lbs+ (25kg) overweight?
Did you manage to do it in 8 weeks?


  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    I gave it a try. made it to week 5 or 6 if I remember correctly. I was 100 kg at that time. It's not for me, but I am confident many people manage to get into it properly.
  • AZ0310
    AZ0310 Posts: 201 Member
    I started at 60-70 pounds overweight. I just went slow and was fine. I can do my slow jogging for 30 minutes but don't finish the five km in that time. I've moved on to a 10k app to keep increasing time/distance, and am not worrying about speed yet.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I've done it more than 100lb over. You'll be fine, assuming no preexisting medical issues. Just take it easy - don't try to do too much too fast. And get good shoes - get properly fitted. You'll likely finish the programme in 8 weeks, yes.
  • mbitely2004
    mbitely2004 Posts: 66 Member
    Im 100lbs overweight, and I just got done with Week 2, Tommorrow I start week 3, I have yet to stop, or walk when supposed to be jogging.
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Yup I did it and am now training for a Duathlon. Still overweight as I did not lose much weight, but definitely increased my muscle tone and endurance. I did not worry about speed. Ran at a snail's pace, but still ran. You can do it! It's a great program.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I managed to do it in less than 8 weeks when I did it last time asset almost 100 lbs overweight. I had a very good base of walking when I started it, though. I had been walking 4+miles almost daily at a quick speed with lots of hills. If you are really going from couch to 5k, don't be worried if you really can't do it in 8 weeks. Work on building your overall fitness levels and you will get there. Also, run as slow you need to - I ran my 5k at 4.8 mph.
  • Laura732
    Laura732 Posts: 244 Member
    Did it and finished it in the 9 weeks time frame. Kept running, too. That said, I continued on as a 'coach' of sorts to other beginning runners. I've met a few people where the pace at 9 weeks was too much for them. So rather than walking and running as the program is written, we slowed down, doing the program at an average walking speed followed by a 'power walk' pace. If you still want to try to do the running program, its ok to repeat weeks. Listen to your body and adjust as needed.
  • will2lose72
    will2lose72 Posts: 128 Member
    Yes..was 50lbs over. I repeated two weeks but eventually did the 20 min run. I did only the time based so I wasn't running very far. I am a slow runner. Just get out there and keep pushing yourself with each run. Rest days are important so don't try to finish the program early...just my take!
  • Wilmingtonbelle
    Wilmingtonbelle Posts: 255 Member
    I have a lot of runner friends who encouraged me to join them in a 5k. I outweighed them by double and was too embarrassed to train with them. I really wanted to do it but I was in no shape and didn't know where to start.

    I decided that if I didn't register for a 5k, I'd never do it so I chose a big one 4 months out (2,500 participants!!!). I was seriously the couch part of C25K as I didn't do very much physical activity, I was 120 lbs. overweight.

    My modified C25K plan. I'm really lucky my work provides a personal trainer as part of our wellness program. This person was AWESOME and worked with me to tailor a plan that set me up for success. The first three weeks were walking 4 miles at an increasing pace to build my endurance and perhaps just as importantly my confidence. Week 4, 5 & 6 were elliptical 30, 35, then 45 minutes with a program that varied hills and speed. After week 6, I began the C25K program at week 1 and it was doable. Any week I didn't successfully complete, I did over the next week. The entire program took me 16 weeks, double C25K plan but so what, I was training :happy:! I finished middle of the pack in the race which was much better than I thought I'd do and ahead of several younger, smaller participants. Yeah, that made me feel really really good!!! :glasses:

    I've restarted the program a few weeks ago and I'm looking forward to doing several 5ks this year. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! :flowerforyou:

    Slainte! :drinker:
  • roxanethree
    roxanethree Posts: 78 Member
    I was around 200 lbs when I started my couch to 5k. A year later (2 weeks ago) I ran my first 5k race and won my age group and was the 2nd female in the race. :) I grew to love running even though I could barely make it through the couch to 5 k program. It was so hard, but such a HUGE accomplishment to me. Good luck!!