So proud of myself -

I have stayed on plan for going on 3 days now. I know that doesn't seem like much, but for me that's huge! No added salt or sugar and I feel so much better already. aslo drinking 100+ ounces of water a day. I hope I can keep it up. I don't track my food on here daily - I get too obsessed with it and I eat the same thing everyday at the same time (so much easier). I could use some more friends to interact with daily though. Please add me!


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    It is a big deal. It's a positive move in the right direction. Well done.

    I'd re-think the tracking though. It's the only way to really know what's going in.
  • johnnyhatesjazz
    johnnyhatesjazz Posts: 95 Member
    Its hard for me to drink a lot of water too..I have to make myself drink it. Feel free to ad me if u want.
  • EsqMom
    EsqMom Posts: 4 Member
    You'll do great! I added you! :)
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Every little success counts. Keep up the fabulous work! Think about how good it makes you feel :)