Hip Replacement and Exercises

In 2013 I had my right hip replaced twice (the first surgery was in January and it was a failure, the second one was done in December) due to having Avascular Necrosis of my hips (no blood flow to the head of the hips). Due to the first surgery being a failure, I spent the majority of 2013 sidelined and limping. I am feeling better now, still with a limp. Anyway, I joined LA Fitness and I am planning on going for a Personal Training assessment so that I can get some help figuring out strength training with my condition. My cardio has to be very low impact because even though my right hip is feeling better, the left hip also has the disease and needs to be replaced later this year. I am hoping that once my left hip is done, I can participate in more cardio that increases the impact. Aside from the pool, are there any other cardio exercises that I can do? I get bored extremely easy so the treadmill is out. I have to lose 100 pounds and that doesn't help. I don't want to get discouraged. I hate the fact that I can't go on walks with my dogs because then I will damage my left hip.


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    i do think you need professional advice from a sports physio on this - which is probably why you haven't had much response.

    nhs advice is walking, exercise bike and elliptical. but that isn't taking the 2nd hip into account. Rower is not recommended.

    check your pt's quals well, to be confident they are giving good advice.