Results with Jillian Michaels??

Hey all,

Recently, I've noticed that my weight loss has slowed down considerably and I'm finding it harder and harder to lose the last 15 pounds or so. I'm currently around 130 and would like to get down to about 115.
I recently went on amazon and purchased a few jillian michaels workout dvds and was planning on incorporating them into my fitness routine. Specifically, I was going to start her "killer buns and thighs" dvd and her "6 week 6-pack" dvd.

Has anyone had any luck or seen results from any of her workout programs? any tips or advice?


  • Shaylaurkoski
    Shaylaurkoski Posts: 16 Member
    Last April I was at 180 lbs. I did JM's 30 day shred and lost 9 lbs in 30 days! then I did Ripped in 30 and lost another 8! I have since continued to do various JM dvd's in my living room and a year later I am down a total of 35 lbs (I stopped for a while in the fall/winter). I highly recommend her DVD's because I feel that I always get a great work out in a short amount of time! I am currently doing Killer buns and thighs and killer abs and have definitely noticed a change in my body in the two weeks or so I have been doing them. I always have had a flat butt and notice some shape to it now! I love to hate Jillian for sure! LOL. I have heard others say that they do not like her DVDs simply because they do not like her but I have yet to hear any one say that it is not a good work out! Good luck to you!
  • TracyJeffers
    TracyJeffers Posts: 2 Member
    I lost quite a bit of inches w/ the 30 day shred; I loved it. I didn't finish it; I wish I could say i did, but my clothes were fitting way better and I only got halfway through level 2. I'm a bit bigger so I spent more than 10 days on level one just to build up my endurance, but within a few days, I was noticing a huge difference from day 1 . . . and she even says that in the video.

    Jillian will kick your butt and give it to you straight; that's why I like her.
  • micamoco
    micamoco Posts: 6
    I'm doing Jillian's Total Body Revolution. It's a 90 day program. I lost 6.5 pounds in the first month. I don't know how many inches I've lost because I didn't take measurements, but I feel like I've lost some inches as well, just because my clothes are looser.
  • HikeCyclist
    HikeCyclist Posts: 153 Member
  • blaze6106
    blaze6106 Posts: 16 Member
    I've just recently (within the past week) gotten into her yoga dvds. I've already lost a couple of pounds paired with a pretty good diet of course. I already own several of her dvds and I hope to incorporate all of them into my routine on a regular basis. I've never heard of anyone who did her workouts and did not see some form of a result. It isn't always weight loss. It can be something like finally being able to do a push-up! Or seeing more muscle definition, which I definitely have in the just the past week of doing her videos! Just keep that in mind as you finish up your weight loss goals! :) I strongly recommend jillian for a good mix of strength and cardio. I don't feel like I have to have "cardio" days and "strength" days when I do her workouts, I get both every day! :)
    Good luck!!