Hemoglobin A1c

Hi! For those that are following my weight loss journey and (non) healing issue of my foot wound.....

Results are in......Hemoglobin A1c was 5.7 which still puts me at "pre diabetic"

I met with my PT on Thursday and even though my wound is still painful and not healed we are going to work around it! We did a lot of upper arms on a stability ball, floor work for abs and legs using bands. I worked up a sweat and got my heart rate up! I figure anything is better than nothing?!

My Dr hasn't called me yet...... I do have another meeting with the dietician so in the mean time I am trying to decrease carbs and sugars....

Has anyone ever heard of Cinnamon capsules helping regulate blood sugar? I am definitely NOT one that thinks a pill is a cure all but thought that if it helps and doesnt have side effects, why not!

Thank you all so much for the support and private messages! I certainly appreciate the prayers and positive vibes! xoxoxo


  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    lots of things claim that they reduce blood sugar
    cinnamon has been recommended for years
    White Mulberry tea (yes I know Dr Oz recommended it but it was around before him) is another one
    anything you take remember to run it by your doctor first
    and research it
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi! For those that are following my weight loss journey and (non) healing issue of my foot wound.....

    Results are in......Hemoglobin A1c was 5.7 which still puts me at "pre diabetic"

    I met with my PT on Thursday and even though my wound is still painful and not healed we are going to work around it! We did a lot of upper arms on a stability ball, floor work for abs and legs using bands. I worked up a sweat and got my heart rate up! I figure anything is better than nothing?!

    My Dr hasn't called me yet...... I do have another meeting with the dietician so in the mean time I am trying to decrease carbs and sugars....

    Has anyone ever heard of Cinnamon capsules helping regulate blood sugar? I am definitely NOT one that thinks a pill is a cure all but thought that if it helps and doesnt have side effects, why not!

    Thank you all so much for the support and private messages! I certainly appreciate the prayers and positive vibes! xoxoxo

    From reading your other topic. It seems your hard work is paying off. Congrats on your weight loss! Sending healing prayers your way towards a faster recovery regarding your foot wound.

    It's great you're moving forward with an exercise program and seeking out the help of a dietitian to help you make healthier food choices on your journey too.

    Although I don't have first hand experience with taking a cinnamon supplement, many find making this choice to be of some benefit and some don't. By following a lower carb meal and exercise plan that works for you will go along way towards improving your blood sugar control.

    Bloodsugar101.com- is a great resource packed with a lot of invaluable information designed to help and answer any questions you might have in improving blood sugar management practices.

    Best wishes for your quick recovery and continued success as you move forward.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    As a nurse, I would say that the medical community would not support the use of a cinnamon capsule however with that said I will share that my husband and I add a teaspoon of cinnamon to something everyday. Me to non-fat greek yogurt (21 grams of proteins) and my husbands adds to his steel oatmeal. My husband is also a pre-diabetic with an A1C of 6.1 at his first check so we are working to get his weight down.

    I would echo the other posters and add to increase protein. It assists with healing and reduces the insulin load from the pancreas. The paleo lifestyle is a good way to improve protein, lower carbs, and minimize sugar. The essence of paleo is clean eating. No preservatives with as much food organically occurring as possible.

    Good luck to you and it sounds like you are well on your way to "controlling" diabetes. Once at risk, always at risk.
  • amysgottadothisthang
    amysgottadothisthang Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks for your input fellow MFP's!