Why can't I get a flat stomach? Someone please help!!



  • Ems4MMs
    Ems4MMs Posts: 1
    It's quite easy if you just:
    Eat 1,200 calories a day of mostly fiber, fruit and protein.
    Do 15 minutes of ab workouts a day :) Fitness blender is an AWESOME resource
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    It's quite easy if you just:
    Eat 1,200 calories a day of mostly fiber, fruit and protein.
    Do 15 minutes of ab workouts a day :) Fitness blender is an AWESOME resource

    What, no, come on...
  • leah9985
    leah9985 Posts: 66 Member
    Again, good advice and everyone seems to be suggesting eating more which I think is the way forward given that I think my metabolism has begun to slow down and I have hit a plateau and not seeing much change. I am currently eating at 1200 cals a day but I am going to up this to 1500 for a while to see what happens! Thanks again for the good advice x
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I think posture is the biggest reason why a lot if people struggle with getting a flat looking stomach. When you stand straight with your pelvis tucked in, you are working you core. I don't do any ab specific exercises, but i work my core all of the time by keeping good posture. I also suggest eating plenty of fiber and drinking lots of water. Bloating can make anyone look and feel puffy. Keep eating at a deficit. Eventually, even the difficult fat with come off. Be patient because it will take more time than initial weight loss.
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    I've had two kids and just spent the last few weeks - only 5 or 6 - getting a flat stomach.

    1. Eat at a calorific deficit. I've been on 1400 a day because I burn around 1700, sometimes more. I've also tracked accurately and don't subscribe to this 'cheat day' business. If I want to eat it, I factor it into the numbers.

    2. Work out.

    = loss of overall bodyfat, = flat stomach.

    It is tough to be skinny/slim already but still want to lose the extra fat - I'm going to try and build muscle to pad out the too-thin areas - but that's basically the answer. Track your calories accurately - don't forget butter, oil, soy sauce, sugar in your tea - stick to your number (not 1200, that's for crazy weight loss which you don't need at 112) and keep up the workouts.

    However, do check that you aren't suffering from any post-partum injury like a separation of the muscles (diastasis recti - see a doctor) or loose skin/scar tissue that no diet nor exercise could alter.

    I really like ottersandseals' post as well, I haven't seen your photos but she talks sense.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Going out on a limb here.....you're young, you don't weigh anything, you work out a whole heck of a lot....and think you have a big stomach.....BODY IMAGE ISSUES. Yep, that's my non-professional opinion! We get a lot of that here on MFP.

    I cannot stress enough that I DO NOT have body image issues! I am simply just trying to find out how to get a lean stomach. I am happy with my size and weight but I just want to have a lean stomach, that's what a lot of people want so it isn't a body image issue what so ever.
    if you weigh 112 I would like to see a picture of this stomach if it's so bad?!