Need a clean eating buddy!

I'm noticing the last few months I'm very low on energy, especially at work. I work as a cleaner in the mall so I'm active all day and need to have energy. I'm also the same weight I was while pregnant (220-225) and having severe joint pain so NEED to lose weight. I'm gonna start clean eating tomorrow, and was wondering if someone wanted to help me and we can hold each other accountable? Would very much appreciate it!


  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
  • I'm up for helping anyone on here, I start dieting a month ago, the thing is, I eat almost the exact same things every day. I have lost a little over 10 pounds (I just didn't have this account at the time which is why it says I haven't lose anything), and I walk 2-5 miles a day. What's been helping me with my diet is Grilled Chicken ;p If you grill it right, you can have as much as you want, it's low in calories, has no carbs and very low fat (especially if you own a george foreman). I eat 2 pieces of grilled chicken and fry either spinach, kale greens, or spinach, baby bok choy, and collard greens in olive oil, or just green beans, you can have a whole can if you like since they are healthy. Also, fish is great with greens for sides, like flounder, salmon, tilapia and whiting. I've lost a little over 6 pounds without exercising, and since I've started walking I've lost a little over 4 more pounds. It's a diet that's been working for me, just put all the food in saucers instead of dinner plates to get proportions right. I will be changing up my diet some trying out some new things as well, and I'll let ya know how they work for me.
  • sunsoakeddreamer
    sunsoakeddreamer Posts: 36 Member
    I'm jumping into clean eating too! I've been trying to phase out some of our processed foods and bring more veggies in for a few weeks now. Now I'm ready to go all the way (I hope!).
    aaron - congrats on finding something that works for you, my sister does things very similarly cooking up lots of chicken and portioning out for the week. I tried, but I just couldn't do it! I cook for me and my fiancé and we both constantly want something new, or something we haven't had in a while.
    Trying a new recipe tonight for cod and lentils (haven't decided what I want for a veg side yet)
  • Mespees
    Mespees Posts: 3 Member
    What has always worked if you stick to the protein and veggie plan for me. TIME is my worst enemy. TIME to cook and TIME to exercise and do all the other stuff during the day. Like work. Preparing a fresh veggie lunch the night before is making things easier. At work I can get just a small amount of protein by itself, Chicken, turkey, tofu or tuna. That has been working so far. Bring the veggies and buy the protein I get the smallest container I can find and get about 3 -4 slices which is about 4-6 oz. yes, they weigh that and charge you by the oz.

    I have also discovered the crock pot again too. Light meal preparation. I prepare this the night before too. It not only is good for me, but I can help my hubby manage his meals as well. Clean eating has some great recipes, but then my sister said that every once in a while, there is one she tries that is NOT a repeat.