Fallen off the wagon :(

I caught a hideous stomach bug 2 weeks ago and after 4 days of barely being able to eat I have since gone back to my old habits of eating crap and I cant seem to pull myself back out - The weights creeping back on - Please can someone/anyone tell me how I can get myself back on track please - Im desperate - My determination starts off strong and then plummets as soon as I see food :/ Im Craving anything thats full of fat and calories :'( Xxx


  • winbig1982
    winbig1982 Posts: 43 Member
    Nothing! Guess id better drag myself out of this place then x
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    right am here to give you a lift back onto that wagon!

    I know it's really hard to get back into the healthy eating when you slip off - but you have done it before (your before and after pics are fab!) and you can do it again!! one day at a time - clean start and start it now!!!

    clear those fatty goodies out from the cupboards and fill up on the healthy stuff you like and Boom off you go !! x

    Good Luck, you can do it!

    ps saw this on someones profile today and it really resonated with me - "Being fat is hard - losing weight is hard - maintaining weight is hard. CHOOSE YOUR HARD."
  • LittleMy2014
    LittleMy2014 Posts: 103 Member
    Good advice there. The main thing is not to be hard on yourself, and be patient. When you have been sick your body needs time to heal so getting right back on a diet after a stomach bug is not a good idea. Be gentle on yourself and on your appetite, eat slow energy release foods and drink plenty of water. You will get back into your rhythm but slow and steady should be your way forward.

    Good luck.
  • mspeppers
    mspeppers Posts: 8 Member
    If you are craving fats, stick with healthy ones! Eat half an avocado or some nuts! Your body will need time to re-adjust after a stomach bug - and the weight you lost when you had it should be ignored!
    Set a couple small goals today - water intake and tracking. Achieve those and feel good!
  • dimplz1965
    dimplz1965 Posts: 105 Member
    I had the stomach bug for 2 days this past week. What motivated me was the fact that I lost 2 pounds and I really wanted to keep it off. I've been really trying to watch what I've been eating for 30 something days, and then I didn't track because of the stomach flu and that bummed me out, which really determined me to get back and get going! I'm not looking for that instant weight loss, I'm looking for 1 pound a week. I've decided to start lifting weights along with my cardio 3 days a week. And I love the above - choose your hard! I want to work on the hard of losing weight :)
  • winbig1982
    winbig1982 Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you, thank you all xxx Ive chosen my "hard" :) Ive been great so far today, making all the right choices, I loved how I felt when I was in "the zone" I cant wait to feel like that again xxx
  • DaveScadlock
    DaveScadlock Posts: 27 Member
    Sometimes we all need a swift kick in the behind to regain the motivation. I sure know I do. Your motivation should be where you have come from. 24 pounds lost? That's an accomplishment. Great job! You were ill, now you are better. Now its time to get back on the wagon, back on course, and continue your journey to being fit. You can do it!

  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    You are climbing back on....just a little dip and it is in the past. We will always have bumps in the road but it is the climbing back on that shows the dedication to a new lifestyle
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    You might try just being scrupulous in your logging, even the "bad" stuff. Seeing the numbers often helps me get back on track.
  • ragan4bama
    ragan4bama Posts: 58 Member
    Start now, clean slate. You can do this! It's not easy, the hardest part of eating bad is detoxing to eating healthy again. It may take a few days of struggling and fighting those cravings but it will get easier.
    One of my favorite quotes is " just because you trip down a step in the staircase doesn't mean you should just give up and throw yourself down the rest". You will trip, you will stumble, but you WILL overcome!!!
  • lyshanna224
    lyshanna224 Posts: 2 Member
    You're not the only one. I was doing so well but a family issue arouse and i loss my focus. I have fallen of the wagon but today is a new day! I challenge you as i challenge myself to get back on. We all struggle at some point on this journey, but you can start over today! Good luck to you!!!
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    Unfortunately these wagons have really uneven wheels and are always looking to throw you off whenever you are not able to concentrate on the road ahead, whether that be from illness, lack of motivation, loss of will power, fed up with dieting, had enough of counting calories, blah blah blah. My wagon is on a particularly bumpy bit of road at the minute, Avenue Maintenance, and I am being thrown off quite often..... and occasionally jumping off......... but I am climbing back on, with the knowledge that this is a bumpy journey for me for the rest of my life - I don't ever expect this to be easy.... too many years of bad habits, comfort eating and love of chocolate + chips.

    Getting back on the wagon, dusting yourself off, sitting back down on the driving seat and perservering are the only way most of us are going to either lose this excess baggage of fat, or keep it off. The wagon will not win :happy:
  • sdlyall
    sdlyall Posts: 2
    I feel the exact same way so I am going back to my nutrition coach and starting fresh again because I don't want to undo all of my hard work.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    There's a wagon? That's no good. You can't burn any calories cruising around in a wagon.
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Sounds like you've had a good day back on the wagon. I didn't do very well this past weekend and I was doing so good. Didn't really consume that many more food calories, but drank tons of wine - went wine tasting for two days, gobbled cheese and crackers then ate garbage when I got home. No exercise. Bleh.

    I'm looking at it as a mini-vacation and vacation is over. Like you, I did well today. Got my workout, ate right, I'm back in the game. Full speed ahead. I feel good today, don't you? We can do this! Lets stay on track!
  • gelar93
    gelar93 Posts: 160
    I feel like pretty much everyone goes through cycles like that during their journey. I did great for a month, and then last week I went on a crazy binge eating. I seriously could not stop myself from eating junk food/chocolate, I wasn't even hungry yet I still had the urge to eat. It felt good as I was eating but literally 5 minutes after they went down, I would get all upset. I even thought about trying to throw up but I'm not looking for any eating disorders so I didn't. I'm now back to normal again. The urge to eat faded today and altho I still have a huge basket filled with chocolate from Easter, I haven't touched it at all.

    I would say it is natural, and totally okay as long as there's an end to it and you get back on track. Let it loose for a few days and let your body take what it needs. The urge will eventually go away.

    Also I've read somewhere that it is actually a good idea to have a less healthier/bigger meal every once in a while just to increase your bodily metabolism. Not sure how accurate it is but it's definitely to something to read on.

    Good luck
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Take a bike or better off - WALK!
  • winbig1982
    winbig1982 Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks all :) Ive found my mojo again, feeling fantastic :) I love the stairs quote, its so true xxx Thanks again lovelies xxx
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    From one of my favorite songs (Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield):

    "Drench yourself in words unspoken
    Live your life with arms wide open
    Today is where your book begins
    The rest is still unwritten"

    The last two lines are my favorite, what's behind you is the past. What's in front of you is what you have control over. Put the bad days behind you and focus on doing what you know needs to be done going forward.