Hi, new to site but not new to dieting - typically lol


I'm unsure how I found this site, I have been using another for about a year on and off. But, I am here and I like it, so I hope to stay put now.

One of the greatest things I have found here are the success threads, especially those with pictures. Last night for example, I had already gone to bed and was thinking to myself hmmmm feeling a bit peckish, though I was NOT hungry, it was more a fancy for something. I decided that instead of going to get something, I would look through another of the threads, and then IF I still wanted to go and get something, I would.

I didn't. The photo's are such great motivators.

I am in the UK, have numerous medical issues, not least having been diagnosed with cancer just over 2 1/2 years ago. I am fine, last scan was clear, but it does bring life into perspective. I both need and want to lose weight. I truly need to drop over 50lbs, though I am working towards 40lb.

I have a partially filled gastric band, and so find it hard at times to eat my full allocation of calories. I find slimfast useful for helping with this, though I am aware of the sugar content. I do weigh everything, down to the greens that we eat.

We are following an anti cancer diet ( written by Dr David Servan ) It is basically a low GI diet, with as much organic food as possible, as little processed food as possible, and low sugars (we use agave as an alternative if we need to add it to a recipe). I say 'we' because my partner is also on here.

My weight loss has been in phases, I get to a level, stagnate, get re motivated and get to another level. I am truly hoping that by repeatedly going to the success stories here, my motivation will remain high and I continue to lose weight.

My weight loss is showing as 5lb. That is questionable, as it fluctuates rather a lot, and I think that in all honesty I was 'up' on the day that I weighed, rather than it being a true weight. I have probably lost closer to 2.5 - 3lbs. That takes me back to what I was a few weeks ago, I managed to put on a few lbs over Easter / Birthdays the beginning of April. I think it is the coming weeks and months that will show if I am going to benefit from following the MFP route.

I hope so.

We need to get ourselves sorted with regards to meals, we went through a stage, after starting the anti cancer diet, of planning out meals for a week in advance. We sat down on Friday and have done this again, and so my diary should be showing a more consistent meal intake rather than bits and bobs.

I find it difficult to eat in the mornings, it makes me nauseous, however I have noticed that I am managing a slim fast shake mid morning, and so have done that a few times. I also have difficulties with drinking plenty of water ... I have to push myself.

Out of interest, I read the thread about low vit D levels. I too was diagnosed with low levels (16) at the time I was diagnosed with cancer - it went up following treatment, then promptly dropped again the moment I stopped taking the drugs. I am now back on them permanently (1000mg nocte)

Anyhow - any advice, help or whatever will be happily received.

Good to meet you all, thrilled to see the fantastic results so many of you have had on here. You have my total respect and awe.


  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    The journey will be full of ups and downs but at long as u have supportive friends u will do fine whenever u need help ask for it