not losing, need some help



  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    I can't believe that adults are arguing in this manner about the phrasing of a sentence, it is quite clear what the poster meant, in psychological theory it is argued that where a sentence's true meaning is obvious there is no need to explain its literal meaning. Posters saying 'how can a lb of one substance weight more than an lb of another?' are being deliberately obtuse and those replies aren't helping the OP at all.

    In my opinion, 2000cals probably is too much to be losing, I would use MFP's settings to determine a better deficit based on how much weight you want to lose per week and try to fit any treats (e.g. pizza) into this goal.

    Google "does muscle weigh more than fat." There are thousands of people asking this question on weight loss forums. Not everyone knows that it means volume.
  • spaduke
    spaduke Posts: 13
    I thought that but i wasn't sure how lol
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    OP - forgive me if it has been said, I skimmed the thread but there is a different topic going on here that isn't addressing your OP.
    Your diary is not open.

    I also agree with those who said 2000 is an arbitrary number. Perhaps your friend did calcluate TDEE for you and that is what it is. If not, it is just as easy to go with MFP.

    Figure out your calorie goal, with appropriate weight loss goal. Log accurately and consistently, weigh what you can, measure the rest and choose the right entries. Account for your exercise, whether you use MPF and log the exercise and eat those calories or you choose the TDEE method (all explained in link below) and choose the appropriate activity level. Evauluate after 4 weeks and adjust as needed.

    This is a great step by step guide
  • Crazybusryde
    Hang in there! When I started 13 months ago I was allowed over 2000 calories a day. Now I'm alotted 1500. I've lost 94 pounds. Are you following my fitness pal's macronutrients or someone else's? Are you drinking enough water? The thing that has made the most difference for me personally is:
    1.) Drink water. Lots and lots of water. I posted the link that I used to calculate my water (below)
    2.) Use the macros set up for you by my fitness pal (I pay close attention to fat/sugar/carbs/protein
    3.) Patience. You didn't gain overnight. It's not coming off overnight.
    4.) Exercise. Make sure that you do this with your doctor's approval. You don't want to hurt yourself.

    I hope I've helped.
  • KiraFlint
    KiraFlint Posts: 8 Member
    Holy moly that took a turn I didn't see coming.

    Couple things. I'm 5'7. I drink water only for the most part. I have milk here and there for dinner and iced tea at breakfast. No soda, no coffee. I work 10 hr work days starting at 6am so it's hard sometimes for me to always cook every night but I try. Getting up at 4am is rough. Throw in hitting the gym after a 10 hour day, and cooking is the last thing I want to do. But i do it. So sometimes unprocessed isn't always an option. Depending on what machine I'm on that day I'm exercising close to 500+ calories a day. 6 days a week. Elliptical, treadmill at an incline, water aerobics and weights. But I'm still limited on what I'm allowed to do as it can only be low impact. I usually am slightly over in the protein macros because I am trying to get my muscle back and that was recommended. Imagine losing 2.5 inches around your calf muscle in 3 weeks alone. It wasnt pretty. Yes I weigh my food.. religiously and deligently. I weigh it and measure it .although I'm learning weight is more accurate. Once the topic went a little skewed I took my diary back to friends only. I'll put it back to public if it'll help... As long as no one mentions the pizza cheat day ;) I don't have those very often lol
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Holy moly that took a turn I didn't see coming.

    Couple things. I'm 5'7. I drink water only for the most part. I have milk here and there for dinner and iced tea at breakfast. No soda, no coffee. I work 10 hr work days starting at 6am so it's hard sometimes for me to always cook every night but I try. Getting up at 4am is rough. Throw in hitting the gym after a 10 hour day, and cooking is the last thing I want to do. But i do it. So sometimes unprocessed isn't always an option. Depending on what machine I'm on that day I'm exercising close to 500+ calories a day. 6 days a week. Elliptical, treadmill at an incline, water aerobics and weights. But I'm still limited on what I'm allowed to do as it can only be low impact. I usually am slightly over in the protein macros because I am trying to get my muscle back and that was recommended. Imagine losing 2.5 inches around your calf muscle in 3 weeks alone. It wasnt pretty. Yes I weigh my food.. religiously and deligently. I weigh it and measure it .although I'm learning weight is more accurate. Once the topic went a little skewed I took my diary back to friends only. I'll put it back to public if it'll help... As long as no one mentions the pizza cheat day ;) I don't have those very often lol

    Really - weight loss, barring medical issues, comes down to eating less than your body needs, not "clean foods" or how much water you drink. Health is a different thing but eating processed foods will not stop your weight loss (and I will still argue in moderation will not hurt your health either).
    As for the protein - if you are going by MFP's recommendation, consider it a minimum, not a maximum. It is very low, about 15% of your calorie intake. I personally set mine for 30% so you are ok if you are going over MFP's protein.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Holy moly that took a turn I didn't see coming.

    Couple things. I'm 5'7. I drink water only for the most part. I have milk here and there for dinner and iced tea at breakfast. No soda, no coffee. I work 10 hr work days starting at 6am so it's hard sometimes for me to always cook every night but I try. Getting up at 4am is rough. Throw in hitting the gym after a 10 hour day, and cooking is the last thing I want to do. But i do it. So sometimes unprocessed isn't always an option. Depending on what machine I'm on that day I'm exercising close to 500+ calories a day. 6 days a week. Elliptical, treadmill at an incline, water aerobics and weights. But I'm still limited on what I'm allowed to do as it can only be low impact. I usually am slightly over in the protein macros because I am trying to get my muscle back and that was recommended. Imagine losing 2.5 inches around your calf muscle in 3 weeks alone. It wasnt pretty. Yes I weigh my food.. religiously and deligently. I weigh it and measure it .although I'm learning weight is more accurate. Once the topic went a little skewed I took my diary back to friends only. I'll put it back to public if it'll help... As long as no one mentions the pizza cheat day ;) I don't have those very often lol

    Personally, given that info I'd recommend doing more of a "bulking" diet for the short-term -- the calories you're eating (or maybe more), and heavily biased towards protein (like the previous poster, maybe closer to 30%). It's very difficult to add muscle on a calorie deficit -- usually the best one can hope for is to minimized muscle wastage. Given your circumstances, I'd say adding muscle would take precedence over making the scale move...concentrate on getting your body composition back to something resembling normal before even thinking about cutting calories.