New Here, Any help appreciated!

Hey everyone. Been lurking on here a few days and decided that; based upon the excellent feedback from posters here, I would look for some advice and support from regulars here.

First my stats:
45 years old
5' 8" tall
188lb's (as of this morning 4/27/2014)

Last October after almost 30 years i quit my pack and a half a day smoking habit cold turkey! It's gone great for me except i think i am filling my face with food instead of cigerettes now.

I have been gaining weight steadily over the past few years but this has excellerated lately. Its time for me to reverse that trend!

I am a reasonably active person in my life and job. I am now doing the following:
Watching my calories
Playing squash at my gym

Here is where i require some help/advice

I have never in my life been a workout person and i doubt i will become a gym rat now. That said, i know the value of working out and want to start a light program. I am not sure what i should be doing other than my squash. I am playing 2-3 times a week and have time to work out another 2-3 days a week.

Any thoughts where I should start? I think i am getting sufficient cardio but should now start doing some weights and other exercise.
Also, any thoughts on yoga? My daughter keeps trying to convince me but i am not sure what the value would be.

Any thoughts advice would be appreciated. Even pointing me towards a web page or two.



  • mdharkin
    mdharkin Posts: 2
    :blushing: oops

    Should have mentioned i have a goal weight of 155lbs and no timeline. As long as i keep moving in the proper direction.
  • well done. I just joined yesterday and loving the place already ! seems so easy to log everything. think I might do this once a day . today I have done it about 4 times. back to work on Thursday so by then I should know my way around here, LOL. good luck to you on your journey.
  • Hi Welcome, Good luck on your journey. Please feel free to add me. I am definitely very supportive.
  • brieskie
    brieskie Posts: 33
    Hi there, I'm definitely no expert but I've been figuring stuff out for myself over the last year.
    I would definitely recommend some strength training- it makes you feel great and also supports muscle growth. It's really simple to use your own body weight and there are lots of great aps and videos that can support you in the beginning. (Message me if you need help finding some)
    I started by running / body weight at home.. Bought a couple of dumbbells and then finally joined a gym (2 years ago).. The classes were great for motivation- especially body pump , body attack & body conditioning. I've taken a small break to try insanity cause I needed to mix up my routines!
    Good luck! I find adding friends and keeping on track with them helps to. Makes me feel great on the good days and better on the bad. Feel free to add me, I'm always after new inspiration!
  • Suzanne635
    Suzanne635 Posts: 7 Member
    Congrats Mike on quitting smoking cold turkey! That was me February 10th of this year! I too had quit cold turkey. But I haven't had any cravings at all! I started working out slowly at first and I cut back on my junk food replacing it with healthy food. I didn't do it all at once. I started baby steps. Instead of chips I replaced it with Triscuits (Brown Rice and Sweet Potato). Went from white rice to organic brown rice. Slowly but surely I did it and now I stopped drinking sodas, alcohol, eating candy and cookies. You can do it! You will get there! I did Insanity in the beg. Now I am doing Focus T25. I also joined a fitness challenge group which helped keep me accountable and motivated. I am starting one for May if you would like to join. Good luck on your journey! If you need a friend just for motivation feel free to add me! You can do this!! :-)
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    anyone who quit smoking cold turkey can be a friend of mine! I quit dipping Copenhagen 4yrs ago like that, request sent :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    That's a great start! I would look at this and for working out, personally I would do 3 days of whatever cardio you like, and 3 days of strength training, with a rest day. Something progressive, where you're increasing the weights, to help maintain muscle as you're losing fat. Some of the higher recommended programs (around here) are StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, New Rules of Lifting and All Pro: A Simple Beginner's Routine. If you can get a session or two with a trainer to help with form, that would be ideal, otherwise you can find videos on form online on youtube, and, as examples.