Weight loss deficit, eating exercise calories, stavation mod



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    … but I have a feeling you'll understand then why people to eat your exercise calories. …
    "… but I have a feeling you'll understand then why people [TELL YOU] to eat your exercise calories. …"

    I need to read my posts better before I send them. :tongue:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Re: accountant_boi
    My POINT Exactly...TO STARVE...is to STARVE (Mal-Nutrition)! But beyond that, we NOW live in a day and time where we have SUPPLEMENTS! I don't know what You mean by STARVE but what I mean...it just ain't so, NOT gonna happen. The KEY is NOT Starvation, it's about whether one has enough ENERGY to complete Tasks, how they feel during the day, week.... If you can Do what you need to Do on 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, then go for it. Do YOU actually know that the BODY does NOT get MOST of its Nutrients from what we eat, if it did we would be in REALLY bad shape...BILLIONS of Years ago.

    The reason we have such a wide variety and differences of opinion is because ONE Size DOES NOT fit all! The "Science" of weight loss, ie, deficits, caloric intake, to eat or not exercise calories...does NOT work for everyone, nor in the same way. To put generalized facts on Specific situations is to ask for CONFUSION. MFP simply gives GUIDELINES for a starting point for people who are seeking help...These are Guidelines, NOT RULES that MUST be followed or that will work for most, some or none. The science of wt loss is just a "theory" of how a Body should work when eating the right stuff at the right time in the right situation doing the right things...What happens when the Body is under stress, or you drink a can of full HFCS Soda or you eat 3 Frozen LOW Calorie Meals LOADED with SALT or you eat Low Calorie Lunch/Deli Meats Loaded with Nitrites and Salt or today you feel depressed, and on and on and on...Theory falters because the Body reacts differently to all situations.

    As I said, MFP has a good jump off point but keep searching for what works for YOU/the Individual. Most SUCCESS Stories are from those who "Found" their OWN way through the maze and used MFP to TRACK calories/exercise/ nutrients and to stay motivation/involved, not as a "Bible" on How to lose weight.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hmmmm this is beginning to make sense to me. I recently looked at my "net calories" graph and it showed that I am consistently UNDER 1200 calories a day ... so this means I may be hurting my weight loss efforts, Trevor (Accountant_Boi) should I be eating MORE of my exercise calories then? Or should I wait another week and see what I lose? I lost 1/2 lb this week, but lost a whopping 3.2 lbs last.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Re: accountant_boi
    My POINT Exactly...TO STARVE...is to STARVE (Mal-Nutrition)! But beyond that, we NOW live in a day and time where we have SUPPLEMENTS! I don't know what You mean by STARVE but what I mean...it just ain't so, NOT gonna happen. The KEY is NOT Starvation, it's about whether one has enough ENERGY to complete Tasks, how they feel during the day, week.... If you can Do what you need to Do on 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, then go for it. Do YOU actually know that the BODY does NOT get MOST of its Nutrients from what we eat, if it did we would be in REALLY bad shape...BILLIONS of Years ago.
    What he means (I believe) is that if you don't give your body its ideal amount of nutrients, your metabolism will slow down so that it can function on the amount you give it. So you certainly can eat less than what is optimum and your body will respond accordingly to survive, but why would you want to do that if you can eat more and keep those fires burning and your body performing optimally?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Starvation Mode is a myth if you are overweight.
    This is not exactly accurate...

    Starvation diets cause fat cell unemployment
    Fat cells are a storage for excess energy, but have a complicated and sophisticated communication system with the brain. The function of a fat cell is to store fat. Univ of Cal Berkeley found that starvation diets create the fat cell equivalent of unemployment. Research found that fat cells subjugated to a starvation diet increased glucose and fat uptake after the diet. After a 500 calorie per day diet with unlimited veggies, people lost more than 20 pounds. Researchers took biopsies of the fat cells and measures their capacity for glucose and fatty acid uptake. The results help explain why most people regain weight after weight loss. (Journal Proteome Research, 8: 5408, 2009)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    All of this "Starvation Mode" and Eating exercise calories should not even play a part in your Plan; if you can be active and get done daily what you need to get done on 1000 calories a day, go for it. YOU are NOT going to STARVE, unless Your Body has NO Fat!

    Just so you know, starvation mode (as used on this site) does not mean that someone is literally starving. It's when someone's metabolism drops below what it would be normally (meaning they burn fewer calories on a normal non-exercise basis) because their body isn't getting the nutrition it needs. It's a survival mechanism - if our bodies are deprived of adequate nutrition, and people have deficits that are too high for an extended period, the body's metabolism drops to try and conserve the rare resources (ex. calories/nutrients).

    I agree with the poster that said that "starvation mode" should not play a part in the plan............

    I have read so many articles that points to starvation mode being a scare tactic by over weight and obese people to continue on with their bad habits and eating freely as they wish to do.

    I asked my Doctor her thoughts on this and she agrees.

    The drop in the metabolism is very small and actually my doctor told me that a slower metabolism is NOT a bad thing. A slower metabolism means you age more slowly..................Faster aging corresponds with a faster metabolism.

    It should NOT be called starvation mode, unless you are actually starving your body...........
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Starvation Mode is a myth if you are overweight.
    This is not exactly accurate...

    Starvation diets cause fat cell unemployment
    Fat cells are a storage for excess energy, but have a complicated and sophisticated communication system with the brain. The function of a fat cell is to store fat. Univ of Cal Berkeley found that starvation diets create the fat cell equivalent of unemployment. Research found that fat cells subjugated to a starvation diet increased glucose and fat uptake after the diet. After a 500 calorie per day diet with unlimited veggies, people lost more than 20 pounds. Researchers took biopsies of the fat cells and measures their capacity for glucose and fatty acid uptake. The results help explain why most people regain weight after weight loss. (Journal Proteome Research, 8: 5408, 2009)

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............

    The reason people re-gain weight after weight loss is due to NOT keeping with the changes they made to lose the weight in the first place.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Starvation Mode is a myth if you are overweight.
    This is not exactly accurate...

    Starvation diets cause fat cell unemployment
    Fat cells are a storage for excess energy, but have a complicated and sophisticated communication system with the brain. The function of a fat cell is to store fat. Univ of Cal Berkeley found that starvation diets create the fat cell equivalent of unemployment. Research found that fat cells subjugated to a starvation diet increased glucose and fat uptake after the diet. After a 500 calorie per day diet with unlimited veggies, people lost more than 20 pounds. Researchers took biopsies of the fat cells and measures their capacity for glucose and fatty acid uptake. The results help explain why most people regain weight after weight loss. (Journal Proteome Research, 8: 5408, 2009)

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............

    The reason people re-gain weight after weight loss is due to NOT keeping with the changes they made to lose the weight in the first place.
    I believe it is both physiological and psychological (yes, I said that just to sound smart)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Starvation Mode is a myth if you are overweight.
    This is not exactly accurate...

    Starvation diets cause fat cell unemployment
    Fat cells are a storage for excess energy, but have a complicated and sophisticated communication system with the brain. The function of a fat cell is to store fat. Univ of Cal Berkeley found that starvation diets create the fat cell equivalent of unemployment. Research found that fat cells subjugated to a starvation diet increased glucose and fat uptake after the diet. After a 500 calorie per day diet with unlimited veggies, people lost more than 20 pounds. Researchers took biopsies of the fat cells and measures their capacity for glucose and fatty acid uptake. The results help explain why most people regain weight after weight loss. (Journal Proteome Research, 8: 5408, 2009)

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............

    The reason people re-gain weight after weight loss is due to NOT keeping with the changes they made to lose the weight in the first place.
    I believe it is both physiological and psychological (yes, I said that just to sound smart)

    ha ha....... :flowerforyou:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    First of all, starvation mode only happens when a person is unable to eat enough over a prolonged period of time. Second, it does not happen when your body has adequate food (which it has with the fat we are all burning). Third, all of the studies were done on people that started out at NORMAL weight, and then had a horribly reduced caloric intake for months at a time.

    That simply does not apply to us. We are not at normal weight..................
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I totally agree with You and Your Doctor. I don't know if many people know this but Digestion IS the AGING Process!

    But as I believe, Changing a Lifestyle/Eating Habits is less about the "science" of Wt Loss and More about the Humanity of Wt Loss...Heart, Spirit and Mind!
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    Karen, your measurements and goals are close to mine. Are you really trying to lose ten pounds a month? Roughly 2+ pounds a week?

    I'm afraid at that speed you will be losing muscle too, and have a hard time adjusting to maintenance once you get there. So, yes, eat more! Slow and steady wins the race. I have mine set at just under one pound a week as I get closer, but then I'm not worried about how long it takes. I just want to make sure the scale keeps moving in the right direction, and stays there when I'm done.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    That worked for me, (male with about 15# to lose) individual results may vary.

    lol...the individual results may vary just made me laugh a little. You see that everywhere! lol
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hhmm,,,,,,what to do, what to do.......Ok , Im going to continue reading these posts, which , for me.......are very helpful. If anyone else wants to add their information, Im here to use it. I do know that we are all different, different genders, sizes, ages, etc ,so keep adding

    Im getting close to my ideal weight, and trust me, I need help, not only during the holidays, but also in maintenance..........I exercise daily, and do from 400 - 800 calories a day, with 1610 inputed from MFP, so, Ill keep with what I have been doing, but again, holidays are here and Ill do anything that will assist me in keeping it off.......Thanks for all these great postings.........Lloyd
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    First of all, starvation mode only happens when a person is unable to eat enough over a prolonged period of time. Second, it does not happen when your body has adequate food (which it has with the fat we are all burning). Third, all of the studies were done on people that started out at NORMAL weight, and then had a horribly reduced caloric intake for months at a time.

    That simply does not apply to us. We are not at normal weight..................

    The issue is, that some people who are here in the community are technically at a "normal weight", and their body will tend to reserve that extra fat unless their deficit is smaller. The craziness ensues when people who are NOT seriously overweight decide to lose five pounds in a week or something similar.

    Also, all debate against the reality/fiction of starvation mode aside, if you can lose weight (and by weight I mean fat) successfully without a massive deficit, why wouldn't you want to?

    Massive calorie deficits lead to all kinds of problems over long term use, not the least of which is that maintaining such a rigid regimen is very difficult to maintain long term and achieve lifelong maintenance.

    Just MHO.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Massive calorie deficits lead to all kinds of problems over long term use, not the least of which is that maintaining such a rigid regimen is very difficult to maintain long term and achieve lifelong maintenance.

    Boy if thats not the truth. My own medical doctor warned me not to lose too fast. Ever had your kidneys going into Renal Failiure, or have your gall bladder removed I havent, but if you starve yourself, you can have future issues with internal organs.......

    . I lost 75 lbs in 4.5 months, and he thought to use caution, as WW says 2.5 is the normal.........again, Im only going on what they said, Im no expert on weight loss, lol............if I were I wouldnt be here......

    If youre losing weight, awesome, just like most of us say, do it safely, and not that 40 lbs in 3 day diet business that was posted here yesterday...........Itll come back on you big time. Healthy weight loss though, seems to be the desired effect.........Llloyd
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Also, all debate against the reality/fiction of starvation mode aside, if you can lose weight (and by weight I mean fat) successfully without a massive deficit, why wouldn't you want to?
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I do eat my exercise cals and here is why I do. MFP start with setting a goal to lose X lbs a week and then sets my intake cals to meet that goal. If I eat my exercise cal then I am still at my original weight loss goal. Not eating exercise cal may help me lose weight faster, but is is not in my plan.

    One of the best thing I read on MFP regarding this (and I can’t find the thread now) stated if you are medically obese, 30+bmi, don't eat exercise cal as you have them stored on your body already, if you are medically over weight, 25-30 bmi, eat a portion of your exercise cals and if you are in healthy range of your bmi then eat all the exercise cals.

    That made sense to me, but that is just my opinion and it worth the price you paid for it LOL
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    this thread makes me sad! :cry:
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    shboss, why?

    I know its kind of confusing, but I like the one about if your BMI obese /Overweight / Maintaince..........kinda makes sense.......I think.

    Hmm, what to do, what to do............Lloyd