I need to lose 150 pounds!

I started my weight loss journey, at 300 pounds, a week ago. I am planning on losing 150 pounds. Any advice?


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    One day at a time, one pound at a time !

    You will have ups and downs. That's ok. We are here to help. Here to pick you up when you fall, give you a high five when you're doing great. The weight didn't go on over-night and it will not go off overnight.

    Its NOT a Diet, its a new Lifestyle!

    Find healthy food you love
    FInd a workout program you love
    Reach out to us when you need.

    add us as friends.

    Always remember, You Can Do This!!!

    YOU are in control of YOU.
    We can help, but its your journey.

    Welcome to the road of Healthy!
  • dlbredesen
    dlbredesen Posts: 122 Member
    Every day make choices that you will thank yourself for a year from now.
  • mykizmom
    mykizmom Posts: 191 Member
    Break it down in smaller numbers, small goals arevthe best way to get there. Each week set a goal for workouts and weight loss. Be realistic, read about ways to reach your goal. Make changes where they are needed. And know it's a lifestyle not a diet. You can do it.:flowerforyou:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Take the time to figure out what works and more importantly is sustainable for you. MFP will give you a number of calories based on your goal, but how you use those calories is up to you. I figured out early that, for me, convenience was going to out way most other requirements. I'm over cooking at this point in my life and without Trader Joe's prepared meals, we would starve. Microwave a meal for 2, add a steamed veggie or green salad and it's dinner time. That's what's doable for me. I'm not going to cook from scratch every day or in all honesty much at all. And it hasn't impeded my weight loss (103 lbs in 10.5 months). If you figure out what you can and can't do long term, you will succeed. Just be honest with yourself and you'll come up with a plan that fits your lifestyle and goals.
  • tonyamt2
    tonyamt2 Posts: 16 Member
    I love this advice. Thanks!
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    I love to cook so I am opposite. I am finding now that is spring I want fresh, fresh, fresh. Salads, grilled veggies, chicken and lean meats. I am trying to cut down on carbs. I am not eliminating but trying to be more aware. I am older and have found that carbs are the real culprit for many. It is a lifestyle not a scale that is how I look at it anyway. Good luck
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Take things slowly - this is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.

    Make small changes that you can live with and add a new one every few days/weeks etc. Start small and go from there.
    BY doing that you will make the changes more easily, because it won't be as overwhelming.

    I didn't have as much to lose - but this is how I did it.

    1. gave up soda/pop (well mostly I maybe have one a month now vs. a 6 pack a day)
    2. portion control - get a scale and start weighing food. It makes a HUGE difference.
    3. Log consistently. Even if its a bad day - log it. Then you know better where you are and can move on.
    4. Started exercising. I just started by doing small things again - pushups a few times a day. 25 jumping jacks everytime I went to the bathroom, etc. When the weather got nice I started walking over lunch Started out just around a block or two - now I can get about a mile in. I just joined a gym this weekend - not that you have to - but it was almost 4 months in before I did.

    Make friends on here that keep you accountable and keep you motivated (and do the same for them)

    Don't let a bad day (or week) ruin it for you - As they say, "You didn't get to the weight overnight, you can't lose it that way"

    Weight loss isn't linear - expect ups and downs, and don't let the scale be your only guide. Get a tape measure and take measurements - and take a 'before' picture. I was really surprised when I look back at mine and could really SEE the loss even though it wasn't that much on the scale. After all that scale # doesn't flash above your head - no one but you (and maybe your doctor) see it.

    Hope that helps (and you can add me if you want)

    Best of luck to you!
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    Simply stick with it. I lost 60+ pounds using MFP, and still use it to maintain current weight and track my exercise.

    Besides counting calories, make sure you get some exercise. But start out very easy. I suggest going out each day for a walk, weather permitting. Start with a 15-20 minute walk. and then as you lose weight and get used to the walk, add on minutes. Eventually, after you lose enough weight and get stronger, throw in a few small jogs, like a block or two, but no more.

    The extra exercise will add in a cushion for any days you find yourself close to going over the calorie goal.

    As far as eating healthier, you can lose weight even eating junk food as long as you keep your calorie intake at or below the MFP goal, but moving from processed foods to healthy foods will give you more energy, and will make you all around a healthier person.

    Good luck. You have a ways to go, but stick with the program. It's not complicated, but if you don't quit, it reinforces healthy choices and could become a great habit!
  • JeniSue28
    JeniSue28 Posts: 1,395 Member
    Add me, I too am trying to loose that.

    What I have done is created smaller goals with rewards (non-food related), put them with notes of encouragement in envelope, I shuffled all the envelops and then wrote smaller goal weights on the front. When I reach that goal, I get to open the envelope and use the reward.

    Some items I put in there are:
    A gift certificate for a pedicure
    A gift certificate for a message
    $$ to buy a new clothing item
    A gift card to Barnes and Noble- to buy a new book (I have a serious reading addiction)

    Things that I have a hard time splurging on, but really enjoy.
  • jazzsynger
    jazzsynger Posts: 12 Member
    I am working on my first 50 lbs of weight-loss...
    Need to drop 100 or more...I am 116lbs over my marriage weight.
    Care to friend me? the more friends you have motivating you the better I think.

    Chris H
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    If you get discouraged and want to eat,eat,eat get on these forums and look at everyone's before & after pictures....it'll definitely make you want to keep going.

    Good luck! You can do it :)
  • start out slow take a 5-10 min walk then add 5 minutes more if you need to use a cane or walker or trek poles jazz up your walking routine with music headset

    you do not need fancy weights to work out two cans of soup make great hand weights, get a jump rope and use it as a tension band
    step on rope with both feet and lift your arms just move those arms legs go slow very slow soon you will increase your reps

    you can rent work out dvds from your local library

    you can do wall push ups place your palms against wall and just push your self away from wall

    do sit n be fit exercises they are free on PBS TV also Yoga classes on PBS

    log in all your food that you normally eat and see what your eating what are your red flag trigger foods
    cut the portions down by 1/4th use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate

    drink lots and lots of water try to not drink diet or regular colas

    increase your fresh fruits and raw veggies

    take your measurements with a old fashioned tape measure
    your body will loose inches faster then the scale will show weight loss

    start a new hobby or craft or take a college class anything to get your mind off food

    volunteer yep if your busy helping others you will not concentrate on food that much

    I have 100 pounds to loose I understand exactly where you are at the most I weighed was 278 the least was 200
    my body has not seen 140 pounds since 1970 I found out I must eat gluten free no wheat products
    so I am learning to eat more raw veggies and fresh fruit and salads..

    I wish you luck :smile:
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    Don't give up when you have a bad day. Slow and steady wins the race. Congratulations for getting started.:flowerforyou: I am over 300lbs. and I have lost 16 lbs. so far on 1850 calories a day and no exercise. Don't cut your calories back too far unless your Doctor advises a certain number.

    Michelle in Ohio
  • tjohnoconnor
    tjohnoconnor Posts: 58 Member
    Make small choices that can have big impact on weight loss goals. Once you have conquered that move on to the next and so on. Don't go on a crash diet, ( dieting without exercise and/or severe calorie restrictions ). Any calorie deficit will result in muscle loss as well as fat loss but no exercise can cause up to 30% muscle loss. Over 150# to lose and that comes out to 40 - 50# of muscle mass. It is as close to impossible as impossible gets to actually build muscle in a deficit but you can reduce the loss of muscle mass to 3 - 5% by a moderate strength training routine for 15 minutes 2 or 3 days a week. Keep doing something.
  • :happy: the first big hurdle I found was actually admitting I needed to do it ! I always kept saying I need to lose weight but then ignored that little voice and carried on-a visit to the practice nurse for a blood pressure reading mortified me! not only blood pressure sky high, but the weight I could have crept out of the surgery ,I kept going hot just at the thought of it, so it was the kick up the proverbial I needed, and as somebody else says it didn't go on overnight so it isn't going to come off overnight (no matter what all these diet ads say) its a long hard slog, but set yourself little steps, and also as already pointed out the scales are there for a rough idea, don't keep jumping on and off them as you fluctuate and then you get disheartened.I kept going slowly and the first big thrill I got was somebody saying to me have you lost weight! I was amazed how I felt, and it gives you that buzz to carry on, then when clothes start to get a bit looser,and more it feels good.I usually try and get weighed at the nurse instead of using my scales-I have exercised as well along with healthy eating and so far have lost 84lb feel great do not need medication anymore for blood pressure,feel generally great and swimming, gym never thought I would go back to these but I love them,.You don't have to become an athlete just walking, and eating healthy,you will have "Bad" days when you feel like you could eat like a pacman, but get back on that horse and take off again.I still have more to lose and I sincerely wish you well on your quest, just think next year how good you will feel, even in a couple of months you will feel better and remember those clothes will get bigger! I usually find that's a better way of telling how you are doing and by logging everything ,YES everything! will teach you what you can eat. good luck to you will watch with interest. respect!
  • I need to lose about 100 would be the IDEAL weight for my height.. but I know my body, I know my broad shoulders and huge, totally muscle calves.. I know my family.. and I know that would never happen. I would look SICK. so I set it for 80 pounds. well actually it was 82.2,.. but that's my ultimate, year from now goal. my mini goal is 23 pounds to get me under a certain mark I never want to see, and to lose all I put back on from the 116 pound weight loss I already had in the last 16 months or so. I'm just restarting on here though. but I recommend you set small goals.. set a month goal, or a smaller number goal. say.... if u need a friend who also is starting this at a much higher bmi.. you can message me or add me! I'm Jennifer. 30, single mom in wv.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    been there. done that. this is how:


    there ya go :)
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    All great advice. Cutting it down into smaller goals really helps. Looking at the entire amount you want to lose is overwhelming, but 5 or 10 pound steps makes it easier. Like others have said, you'll have your bad days as well, but they key is to get back with it and don't let a bad day or week make you give up.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    I am in the same place- have been at it for 28 days now. I had a fitness assessment done and we agreed that while I probably need to lose about 150 pounds first I am going to work on getting out of obesity so my first goal is to just be overweight! I found that I like to tread water so I do that several times a week. It is a reward for doing my treadmill workout. I finish and head straight for the pool. Find something you enjoy!

    Please add me if you would like!

    We CAN do this!

  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    Set some intermediate goals. 150 is a big number and that's going to take a while which can be discouraging.

    Goal 1 - Lose 10lbs. You can get to this one fairly quickly and it helps build some momentum.

    Adding in some light exercise will make it easier to hit your calorie targets. And I mean light. You'll see people talking about running etc. That's cool if you enjoy it, but it's not actually necessary. 30 minutes of walking (you can do it in 2 or 3 bursts if you prefer) will give you back a couple of hundred calories that you get to eat.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Start counting everything you put in your mouth religiously for the next 3 months.
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    I have about 80 lbs to lose...and it's definitely slow going. I've lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks and I'm totally ok with that. I only want to do this once so I would rather lose it super slow and keep it off than lose it fast and put it right back on. I just changed the way I eat and I walk every day. I gave up soda for the most part...I still have one every once in a while, but pretty much try to just stick to water. Speaking of, if you're not peeing at least 3x an hour, you're not drinking enough water:) I try to drink at least a gallon a day. That's going to play a huge part in your water retention. Good luck and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! Feel free to add me, I'm active every day and my diary is open:)
  • CaitlinAmburn
    CaitlinAmburn Posts: 6 Member
    That is my goal! Currently I am down 70 pounds. I started at 300 about 13 months ago. It is tough at first,but you really just take it one meal at a time. I feel so much better and I will let you know that it doesn't happen all at once. Sometimes I gain, sometimes I lose. I enjoy my cake when I want it. Its a change that you can stick with. Also, record your calories, even when you go over. :) Good luck!
  • thomaszabel
    thomaszabel Posts: 203 Member
    Add me, I too am trying to loose that.

    What I have done is created smaller goals with rewards (non-food related), put them with notes of encouragement in envelope, I shuffled all the envelops and then wrote smaller goal weights on the front. When I reach that goal, I get to open the envelope and use the reward.

    Some items I put in there are:
    A gift certificate for a pedicure
    A gift certificate for a message
    $$ to buy a new clothing item
    A gift card to Barnes and Noble- to buy a new book (I have a serious reading addiction)

    Things that I have a hard time splurging on, but really enjoy.

    I love those ideas for rewards. I'm done with my weight loss, and just maintaining, but I can tell you from experience that I should have saved up the $$ to buy new clothing. I'm now at a great weight, but wearing clothes that are 3-4 sizes too large.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Break it down into small, manageable goals.
    Don't weigh every day... or even every week, if you don't want to. I weigh once every 1-2 months.
    Give yourself permission to indulge in your favourite foods from time to time.
    Don't make excuses to get out of exercising or eating sensibly. Did you plan to work out today? Do you physically have the time and ability? Then do it.
    There's no quick fix to weight loss. It'll be slow and take a long time. A loss of 1-2 lbs per week is considered healthy and sustainable.
    Do some reflecting and make sure you understand how you got to 300 lbs. I think it's rarely as simple as "I like food and hate moving."
    Also, understand why you want to lose the weight. I think THIS is rarely as simple as "smaller jeans".

    Good luck! :)
  • donseennu
    donseennu Posts: 6 Member
    1. This is a slow process. Your body needs to understand and adjust, this takes some time.
    2. It is 80% eating healthy and 20% exercise.
    3. avoid any high sugar, processed food.
    4. eat whole grains, brown over white (brown bread v/s white bread etc)
    5. water is another important factor. when you start working out, your body is most likely to retain water, drink at least 8 to 10 cups of water daily.
    6. try to lose about 1/2 lb a week don't target to lose more than 1 lb a week. that might have negative impact
    7. dont depend on weight scale to measure weight loss, instead use measurement. measure your waist, hip etc over weight. when you workout you'll be building lean muscle which is heavier than fat.
    8. cardio interval training helps burn calories faster and longer. so if you can try this. example http://teambeachbody.com/shop/-/shopping/T25Base?referringRepId=376437
    9. eat 5 to 7 time in small portions. this will make sure your body is receiving consistent fuel throughout the day. you can break this up in 2 hrs interval. i.e. Breakfast -> 2 hrs gap -> snack -> 2 hrs gap ->lunch -> 2hrs gap ->snack-> 2hrs gap ->dinner
    snacks can be handful of nuts, cup of fruits, cup of yogurt, cheese (cottage ), protein bar or shake etc.

    Good Luck
  • sdps720
    sdps720 Posts: 80 Member
    - As everyone else here has said...START SMALL! Finding a new you is not really about the numbers, for me it is more about what I want to look like. Start small and reach that goal, then set another one.

    -Find some friends. Friends can help you along on the journey to a new and wonderful you! They can help keep you accountable even when you want to cheat (which is totally ok in my book once in a great while- we are human you know). They can be there to rejoice with you when you reach a goal that seemed so impossible to achieve.

    -Log EVERY SINGLE BITE YOU TAKE. It might not seem like that 1 chip will make a difference but it will. Even on a bad day- log it! This will give you something to look back on and learn from.

    - Don't give up. This is going to take awhile but that is OK cause we are here for you.
  • lane112409
    lane112409 Posts: 28 Member
    My best advice I can give you is to take one day at a time and to not give up any foods you love just do them in moderation and within your calories this is what I have been doing for almost a month. A lot of people will tell you to cut this out cut that out but don't you no as well as I do this will never last if we can not have what we enjoy. Good luck and I will be here for you every step of the way no matter what. I have lost 13 lbs in 22 days.
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    I can relate because I would like to lose over 100 pounds. I've been here 3 weeks and have only lost 5 pounds so far - I was hoping it would come off quicker than that. But I'm enjoying the lifestyle change so if I'm enjoying it, that makes it easier to stick to the long run. Even only 6 pounds a month is 72 pounds in one year, wow!
    I'm trying to set small goals too and also look at the big picture - if I keep going, think how happy I will be next year at this time!

    Also, the most important thing for me has been my friends here on MFP. So encouraging! So send friend requests to anyone you can, anyone who you can relate to and who is active here and encouraging.

    Hope this helps! Best wishes...
  • CassarahW
    CassarahW Posts: 93 Member
    It's not just about losing weight, it's about being healthy. Keeping track of numbers can be very motivating but I suggest you keep a blog of how you are feeling. Rate your mood/emotions, energy level, motivation, bowel movements, ambition, etc every day. When you feel frustrated because the numbers have stopped go back and read how you used to feel. You'll forget how fitful sleep was and fatigued you always were. Those changes are so gradual that you won't notice them unless you keep a journal or blog. Your friends and family will though! I have people telling me all the time they can't believe how much energy I have now compared to when I was 40 lbs heavier (I still have 90 lbs to go) and how much better of a mood I'm always in. I struggled with really bad depression for many many years and haven't seen my mood swing that low in a good six months now. If you follow a healthy life style the numbers will come in line. Sometimes they don't move right away and you feel like you're doing it all for nothing. Sometimes they move quickly and then suddenly stop or go back up. There are a number of reasons for that. If you keep it about being healthy, that all won't matter. One day you'll look down and realize you only have 10 more lbs before you reach your goal but you'll realize the best changes happened at your core and in your life, not on your body.


    Stick with a support system and remember you only fail when you stop trying. Feel free to add me as a friend. I love seeing people succeed!