Innocent curiosity. Kind of.

Okay, my friends and I are goofing off and we were making jokes about hardcore workouts and snorting protein powder. But now that the thought is out there, what would happen if you snorted protein powder?

Hold on, hold on, hold on. This isn't a troll post and I'd like to think that you'd assume that I'm not seriously about to snort protein powder, so calm your tits. I mean, even one scoop is... a lot. That would a ridiculous amount lines. (Even if you railed...) And ain't nobody got time for that.

So yeah. For craps and giggles. (And a hint of seriousness, for science!) What would happen if you snorted protein powder? Aside from the usual complications or pain that come with snorting /anything/, of course. Would you get any nutrition from it? Would it absorb faster? Thoughts please. And have fun, really. Lighten up. You know who you are.


  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
    1st hypothesis faster absorbtion to fit that anabolic window....

    2nd hypothesis time release protein drip...

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I think it would just cake the inside of your nostrils and you'd end up feeling like you'd been at a dust ball festival all day. Really, anything you snort will end up going down your throat anyway, minus what dissolves in your nose and I don't think much protein powder would dissolve :)