Lets Do This!

Hello. Name's K. I came to school in Cali hoping to lose weight while I studied. In the 2 months i've actually been trying i've gotten down from 236 to 227, (though I have been above and below those weights since I got here). I'm gonna blame some of it on my soft spots turning into muscle mass, since I can bike about 20 miles longer than before I got here (which was, like, 2 miles tops) and i'm proud of that - AND it will probably really come in handy when I go home to a city that actually gets traffic.

I've had this account for a couple weeks and I've been on and off using the food and exercise diaries. I've decided to commit to this account 100% now. If I could just get down to 160 I would wear shorts and never cover my legs again (and dye my hair red and kiss somebody? I'd have a good time in general..)

Plus I have a cool jacket waiting for my future, size 8 body.

Anyways I feel like this would be 100 times easier to do with someone else. So I think it would really be fun to support and be supported by a community of people in similar boats. And maybe make a friend?
I'm ready to do this.


  • castael
    castael Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, you can add me if you want.'
    I've been tracking my food for a couple of days now. And I'm trying to lose just a few kgs but it's still tough for me.
    So if you need help or motivation I'm here :)