Halfway point crisis.

Sallyismyname Posts: 43 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
OK, when I started this journey about 2 months ago, I was ready. I am only 5ft tall and had abount 30 lbs to lose. I started out with this amazing attitude, motivation, and eagerness to do it. I have lost 17lbs, which is fantastic!! I am so jazzed. But I am hitting a plateau. Not a plateau like I am eating right and working out and not losing weight, but more of a mental plateau. I don't really log everything; give into temptation of a nice bottle of wine, and hardly ever workout. I am not eating/ drinking nearly as much as I was before losing the weight, but I fear that I am heading on that self sabotaging downward spiral. I really analyzed my thought process to become aware of why my motivation levels have declined almost half way through this journey. Here are my thoughts, please leave me feedback as to what you think. I think that if I can figure out my reasoning, I can get through this:
*** (I am not making excuses; I am genuinely trying to become aware of my attitudes so I can change my behavior. I am trying to own up to the mistakes that I am making)

1. Stress/Depression. Life hits some low points and I definitly find comfort in food/wine. I am not saying I am majorly depressed, but I do have a problem with turning to food and wine when I am not happy with the current state of my life. Boredom is also a factor in this I think.

2. I am comfortable with my success. I have lost more weight than honestly I thought I would. I look better, feel better, and did better than I ever thought I would. I know I still need to lose the last 13lbs, but I think I am justifying my current behavior with my recent success. Just a theory.

3. I miss wine. I do. My tolerance has gone down so much now that a little bit gets me really pretty happy- but I have also been reunited with the hangovers... Working out and eating right is just the last thing you want to do when you are hung over. Drinking must stop. Period. I was doing so well, and now I find myself slipping up.

4. I really don't know why I haven't been exercising. I would take three walks a day every day. Now I take none. I am lazy. My excuse was the weather, but deep down, I know I was lying to myself. The weather has changed, but it certainly is not impossible to walk. I think that I am making excuses, and at the end of the day, yes- I am only cheating myself.

Those are my thoughts. I really am trying to find that fire, that drive, and that commitment that I had at the beginning of all of this. I know this is lengthy; sorry. I just am so determined to figure out my mental blocks that are returning that are to blame for me needing to lose weight in the first place. Ok, Ok. I probably need therapy, or perhaps a hypnotist. Ha ha ha. I sure hope not. I need a friggin drink ;) Kidding. (Sort of.)


  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I'm not going to try to figure out your thought process, but let me ask you a couple of questions.

    You're comfortable with your current success. Do you want to be comfortable with your success or happy with it?

    Stress/Depression kicks in so you like to drink a glass of wine. Is the comfort worth the hang over?
    Do you know that exercising releases endorphins that make you happy? Looks like your #1 and #4 might be able to go hand in hand.

    Good Luck in your current success and any future ones if you decide to move forward....heck, maintaining (if that's what you choose) would be a success :flowerforyou:
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    I think you are being too hard on yourself. It's not a race, it's a marathon. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. Remember that!

    1. I get stressed too! Have a cheat night, have 1 or 2 glasses of wine, but get back on track the next day.

    2. You should be happy about your success, of course! But again, it's a lifestyle, and if anything maintain your weight it if you don't feel like you're mentally ready to try for more progression.

    3. I still drink wine in my diet, i have to... I LOVE it . I make sure I budget accordingly, I make myself a deal, if I work out today I will reward myself with wine. If you're finding that you can't resist having half or a whole bottle, agree to meet a friend at a restaurant for a glass. Or share a bottle with a few friends.

    4. This is going to sound redundant, but try new things! I hated exercise until I started doing yoga, it's my favorite and it gives me a sense of self and well being. Some weeks I only have time to go to yoga once a week, but I feel like I NEED it now.

    That's just my advice. Stability and moderation. Don't be so hard on yourself, these things take time - your mind has to get used to new habits and interests.

    Good Luck!!
  • Sallyismyname
    Sallyismyname Posts: 43 Member
    I really love your point about being happy with success rather than being comfortable with it. That is a really great way to look at it. Of course I am happy with it. I will definitly use that. I think that is fantastic!! I know that wine is a huge weakness. I am certain that working out would be a much healthier option. I just need to work on will power. Thank you so much for your reccomendations.
  • Sallyismyname
    Sallyismyname Posts: 43 Member
    digitalyssa: You are so right about a lifestyle change. I really love what you said about moderation. All or nothing doesn't work. I am so dang indulgent sometimes that it becomes all instead of moderate. Thank you for your kind words and support. I just feel myself slipping and want to get back up before it is too late. I really appreciate the advice.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I can totally understand what you are talking about Sally. I am sorta in the same place mentally. I am trying to kick my mental butt back into shape but its hard to keep myself on track. I dont work out less but I am just not eating quite as spotless as I used to and I am not always recording everything i eat. I gotta snap out of it!
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Digitalyssa said what I was thinking. As soon as you think you CAN'T have something, you will equate it in your head as punishment. This is a lifestyle change, make the adjustments to include wine in your diet.
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