motivation,help me stay on track!!!!

Hello everyone! I need some friends to help me stay on track and reach my goal weight.
Im going on vacation in a month(3rd of June) and want to get that bikini body. Although hard to achieve im hoping I can do it. Im not really overweight but wish my belly didnt have rolls when I sit down. And I really do want to wear a bikini for the first time in my life and feel confident about it!
Im 5'0 and 22 years old.


Im starting tomorrow with insanity in the mornings. And brazil butt lift at night. Im not gonna follow a diet really just be smart about what I eat and have smaller portions. I was thinking that halfway throughi would do the 5 bite diet that says you lose 15lbs in 10 days but youre basically starving yourself...idk what do you guys think?? What else can I do nutrition wise and excercise wise to tone my tummy and lift my behind so I can rock that bikini!!

Pictures to come!
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  • ND_Figgzie
    ND_Figgzie Posts: 1,480
    since you are so close to your goal, try checking out "vacation body blueprint" by Rusty Moore..............he goes into detail about how eating low carb for short durations is not harmful...............his website is