Too much salt, but still low blood pressure?

therobinator Posts: 832 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I decided today that I have been eating too much sodium, and that's maybe why I am gaining weight rather than losing or staying steady. I've been consistently eating over 2,000 mg of sodium (sometimes more) per day for at least the last three weeks (that's as long as I have been tracking), very likely much longer than that. But I still have very good blood's never gone above 120/80.

Does it make sense that I could be eating enough much sodium that it's causing my body to hold onto weight, but still not enough that it causes my blood pressure to go up? I would assume that if I am eating too much for one health measurement, it would also be too much for the other health measurement?


  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I don't know, but I sometimes go over my sodium - never far from goal anyway - and my blood pressure is always on the low side. Usually around 115/70 or lower.

    I'm curious to see what people who know more about this say.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I almost always go over on sodium (yes, even more than 2,500, yikes!), and last time I went to the docs my BP was 110/72, which is the lowest it's ever been. More sodium might make you hold some water weight... but it should NOT make you gain weight. If you are gaining weight, it is because of calories, not sodium. If you cut some sodium out and saw a loss, it would only be water weight. Worth a try, but really, everything comes down to calories, no matter how much sodium you are eating.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    I just really don't think I have eaten enough to GAIN weight. Yes, I went over a little on 2 days this past week, but it couldn't have added up to enough to make me GAIN. It's either residual PMS (which doesn't make sense to me because my period was over before I weighed-in) or it's got to be the salt. I am planning to be EXTREMELY strict and careful this week with everything and see if that changes the numbers.
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