Insanity AND brazil buttlift!


Joined Mar 2013

Posts: 1

April 28, 2014 12:40 AM

Hello everyone! I need some friends to help me stay on track and reach my goal weight. 
Im going on vacation in a month(3rd of June) and want to get that bikini body. Although hard to achieve im hoping I can do it. Im not really overweight but wish my belly didnt have rolls when I sit down. And I really do want to wear a bikini for the first time in my life and feel confident about it! 
Im 5'0 and 22 years old. 


Im starting tomorrow with insanity in the mornings. And brazil butt lift at night. Has anyone had success with them? Im not gonna follow a diet really just be smart about what I eat and have smaller portions. I was thinking that halfway throughi would do the 5 bite diet that says you lose 15lbs in 10 days but youre basically starving yourself...idk what do you guys think?? What else can I do nutrition wise and excercise wise to tone my tummy and lift my behind so I can rock that bikini!! 

Pictures to come! 
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  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    Please remember that weight is only 1 measurement, based on your height and weight you're within an average BMI, I think insanity would certainly help tone and get towards where you want to be, but remember insanity has it's own nutrition program for a reason, you will need those extra calories if you're doing Insanity correctly and going all out (no idea about the buttlift one I'm afraid), i honestly don't think you would be able to do insanity and a 5 bite diet where you starve yourself (remember your heart is a muscle and it needs fuel to keep beating, bit extreme I know but starving yourself just doesn't work).

    Good luck with insanity, my trainer has just completed the course so he can run classes and I'm looking forward to doing the classes as soon as my marathon training has finished and I can have my life back!!
  • Hi! I am actually considering doing both as well...Brazil Butt Lift and Insanity.
    I was thinking of doing some weight training, but Insanity is already so big on the lower body.
    Maybe we can support each other!
  • Feel free to add me too! I have done insanity and am now doing t25.
  • I tried to do both but gave up on BBL after a few days, I just got so fed up of doing squats....I LOVE exercising but doing the two together was really too much. And if you are doing Insanity with enough intensity then you shouldn't want to do any more workouts after that :)

    Good luck though, they are both great programmes and if you can do them both and not get fed up with working out so much each day then fab!