Wii Fit

Just wondering if anybody has actually lost any weight using the Wii Fit on a regular basis? I own one and am considering dusting it off and using it again, but I'm not sure if it's enough to actually lose weight, of if I should just start walking again. Any suggestions?


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    if you do something other than sit and move your wrist, any activity burns calories.
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    I have before but now I am obsessed w Just Dance! I love how Wii Fit keeps track of your calories burned.
  • precioustypeoflove
    precioustypeoflove Posts: 197 Member
    hell yay i was doing my wii fit and walking and its a great cal burner i lost my first 7lbs just doing wii fit and it counts ur cals for u i love it i still use it when i weigh in !!! and its a fun work out enjoy dust it off and knock ur self out!!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    the wii fit is great exercise depending on which exercises you do, or course the running, biking, the ones that are more active are going to burn more calories, But all of it will burn calories. I do the wii fit, wii sports and do walking and biking. I think it is good to mix it up a little and not do the same workout every day
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    there are actually Wii groups on here if you search for them... I know they are avid users and have had success with using the Wii.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    For about the first two and a half months of my journey the majority of my exercise came for the Wii Fit. That was around 20lbs. lost.
  • Lilkidmom
    My daughter uses the dance programs. She wants to get the Zoomba one and the Jillian Anderson one. Those seem to cause her really work up a good sweat.
    I have found that most of the regular options provided with the Wii Fit program don't really feel that challenging. I don't feel like I've exercised much when I'm done. Since I am "dance challenged", I prefer to walk, ride my stationary bike, and do strength training. Those have worked best for me.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Yes it does! I have been using WiFit for a year now. Had lost 17 poundsbut then I stopped! UGH! So Im back it and Ive lost 7 lbs so far. This time Im doing Julian Michaels 2009. Going to get Julian Michaels 2010. I find that it make it more fun to exercise! I hate the treadmill and Im not paying for a gym membership! So dust it off!
  • MissIrvine84
    Thanks for the answers! I'm thinking the Wii Fit and I need to become friends again. I think I'll dust it off when I get off work today, I remember I really did enjoy it when I used it, the only thing I hated was weighing in and hearing "That's overweight" and then seeing my character balloon up haha
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Most of my weight loss is from the Wii Fit Plus. Like one reply suggested though, you have to take it seriously. If you just play balance games and ski jump, you aren't going to get any where. Stick with the aerobic and strength training exercises. I usually aim for about 60 minutes. 20 Aerobics, 20 strength, 20 aerobics/fun stuff. On days I run, I do only 30 minutes.. 20 strength and the rest fun or aerobics. By fun, I am talking obstacle course, skateboarding... the more active ones.

    It can be done!

  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Most of my exercise right now is from either walking or Wii Fit. I love Wii Fit just because it is so much easier for me to do it than to find a time I can get outside to walk. I do try to stick to certain exercises when I am *really* exercising -- Rhythm Boxing, Super Hula Hoop, Running, Obstacle Course (that one is a workout for me, despite the low calorie burn that Wii Fit says) and of course the strength training/yoga. My opinion right now is that it is better for me to do Wii Fit than to do nothing... and I am all for anything that will boost my confidence that I *can* exercise.
  • panjabi
    panjabi Posts: 70 Member
    Any exercise where you are moving and burning cals will help.

    I wouldn't make Wii fit my only source of training but it will work.

    I use the playstation move games in a similar way.
  • smwilson77
    I LOVE Just Dance!!